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The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Website

“The Innovation Center” is a new engine for revitalizing and sustaining the Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP programs and ultimately to help to improve the healthcare system for all Americans. The Center, established by the Affordable Care Act, was given the flexibility and resources to rapidly test innovative care and payment models and scale up successful models. Visit the website to read about new initiatives such as Partnership for Patients. There is also an area to share your own ideas.

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Project SEARCH - Alaska

The Project SEARCH High School Transition Program is a unique, business led, one year school-to-work program that takes place entirely at the workplace. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and on-the-job training and support through internships or worksite rotations. The goal for each student participant is competitive employment. The state of Alaska has adopted this model for student interns with developmental disabilities.

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Personal Assistance Services at the Workplace - Alabama

The use of PAS as a workplace support is a relatively new innovation. Because of its newness, many persons with disabilities and employers tend to get confused about how workplace PAS is different from more standard personal assistance services or personal attendant care. The most important distinctions between PAS and Workplace PAS are related to where the services are provided and for what purpose. To learn more, explore the attached project report, brochure, and websites.

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MIG Outreach Materials - Alabama

How is the state of Alabama reaching out to consumers and employers with important information regarding help for persons with disabilities who want to work or return to work? To find out, explore several examples of state-wide outreach: two newsletters put out by "BamaWorks", Alabama's MIG program, a brochure, and a website. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide outreach for their own MIG programs.

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Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORC): A Blueprint for Action

A NORC, the widely used term short for Naturally Occurring Retirement Community is a community that was not originally built for seniors, but that now is home to a significant proportion of older residents. The American population is aging, and these communities will increase over the next 20 years. NORC programs are innovative models that coordinate a broad range of social and health care services to support the senior. The website provides FAQs, a toolbox and assistance with sustainability.

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How Recent Changes in Reverse Mortgages Impact Older Homeowners

Reverse mortgages offer older homeowners a way to tap home equity to meet financial needs in retirement. However, the collapse of the mortgage market in 2008–2009 has led to major changes that impact consumer choices. While consumers have more product choices, reverse mortgages are generally more expensive and more complicated. Learn more about how this has affected aging consumers and what Congress and regulatory agencies are doing to protect consumers here.

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Innovative Communities: Breaking Down Barriers for the Good of Older Consumers and Their Family Caregivers

Review a summary of this Innovative Communities Summit held in Washington D.C. The report features case studies of how three communities in the United States are working together to improve care transitions and reduce avoidable hospitalizations. The report outlines steps the LTQA should take to encourage and promote the creation of comparable multi-sector innovative communities that would involve local providers as well as consumers and caregivers.

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Healthy People 2020

Released each decade, this research measures progress for health issues in specific populations and serves as a foundation for prevention and wellness across various sectors and government levels. Review this site to find goals pertaining to living longer and free of preventable disease, disability, injury and premature death; achieving health equity; creating social and physical environments that promote good health; and promoting quality of life, healthy development and healthy behaviors.

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Health Care and Working Webinars - Utah

Contained in these attachments are links to several examples of Webinars broadcasted in the state of Utah and aimed at individuals with disabilities interested in working while keeping their Health Care benefits. Included is information on Medicaid and working, Medicaid Work Incentive, Employment Personal Assistance Services, how employment affects recipients of Medicare and more.

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Works for Me Website- Pennsylvania

How does the state of Pennsylvania direct consumers to resources on agencies and programs that help people with disabilities to work and improve their financial security? Peruse the website for information on Works for Me, a MIG program that guides consumers in finding jobs, obtaining training, keeping health insurance, getting assistive technology, and more.

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