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A New Way of Looking at Private Pay Affordability of Long-Term Services and Supports

The affordability of private pay services is an important component of LTSS system performance. This Insight on the Issues presents data on private pay affordability for every state and more than 400 markets in the U.S. There is wide variation in affordability between states and markets. Private pay nursing home care is not affordable for middle-income families. While less costly than nursing homes, home health care is still unaffordable for middle-income older people at typical levels of use.

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Title IIID Highest-Level Criteria EB DPHP Programs Cost Chart

The Administration for Community Living AoA’s OAA Title IIID webpage now includes a chart searchable by keywords of all the highest-level criteria evidence-based (EB) disease prevention and health promotion (DPHP) programs that have undergone the AoA program submission process to become listed on the webpage. The Chart outlines thirty EB programs, including a brief description, costs, website and contact information, program goals, target audience, and training requirements.

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Managing State-Level ACA Implementation Through Interagency Collaboration

This report is designed to offer the collective wisdom and practical insights of state officials and technical experts related to the leadership and interagency coordination needed to implement the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It discusses the role of leadership and a clear vision for reform, and outlines specific strategies being used by states from low-tech solutions to higher-tech tools. This brief then explores the potential of work planning and formal memorandums of understanding (MOUs).

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Status of States’ Dual Demonstration Grants

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has provided funding and technical assistance to states to develop state plans' to coordinate care for dual eligibles, persons eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. This chart shows the status of those states selected for the Dual Demonstration grants, the model chosen, and target implementation. It also includes links to each state's plan.

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Strengthening the Aging Network Issue Brief: Area Agency on Aging Monitoring and Spend-Down Requirements

The Older Americans Act of 1965 created the National Aging Network with many states adopting Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. This brief is a summary of two surveys regarding states’ monitoring practices of their Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and states’ spending rules for their AAAs. All states with Area Agencies on Aging which were surveyed reported that they conduct some monitoring, and most differed in their rules concerning excess funds.

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States’ Plans to Pursue New and Revised Options for Home- and Community-Based Services

States have continued to rebalance their long-term services and supports (LTSS) toward more home and community-based services (HCBS). This report uses diverse methods to assess the different incentives affecting states’ decisions to implement the four Medicaid HCBS options under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA); two new options (Community First Choice and the Balancing Incentive Program) and two existing [Money Follows the Person and 1915(i)].

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Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) Website

CDC introduces an online interactive system that quickly helps translate state-level, disability-specific data into valuable public health information. With Disability & Health Data System (DHDS), users can customize how they view disability & health data throughout the country, making it easy to understand health disparity information, identify trends, & help support the development of fiscally-responsible, evidence-based programs, services and policies that include people with disabilities.

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State Chart Book on Wages for Personal Care Aides, 2000-2010

This updated resource provides a state-by-state look at trends in wages for PCAs, the fourth fastest growing occupation in the country, and a key job title within the direct-care workforce. Prepared as a resource guide on wages for advocates and policymakers concerned with the direct-care workforce, the data underscore the problem of low wages for PCAs, factors which contribute to workforce instability and near-poverty incomes for this high-demand workforce.

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Survey of ADRCs for National Resource Center on Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Aging

This survey aimed to increase the understanding of the extent to which ADRCs have worked to ensure their services are LGBT-friendly, engaged in special LGBT outreach activities, and worked to identify community organizations and service providers in their resource databases that are LGBT-friendly. Thirty organizations from at least 15 different states responded. From the responses it can be seen that ADRCs are still at the beginnings of specifically serving LGBT individuals.

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The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Health Care (AHRQ) Innovations Exchange

The Exchange website offers busy health professionals and researchers a variety of opportunities to share, learn about, and ultimately adopt evidence-based innovations and tools suitable for a range of health care settings and populations. The site has the following components: Searchable innovations; Searchable QualityTools; Learning opportunities and Networking opportunities.

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