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Healthy & Ready to Work (HRTW) National Resource Center

What’s health got to do with transition? Everything…there is a generation of youth with special health care needs, chronic health conditions and disabilities who have survived beyond their diagnosis/prognosis. The HRTW Center’s desired outcome is for all youth with special health care needs (YSHCN) to receive the services necessary to transition to all aspects of adulthood, including adult health care, employment and independence. Review their tools and solutions for transition planning.

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Developing a Stigma Reduction Initiative Resource Kit

Certainly, stigma is one of the more formidable obstacles to a transformed mental health system. This resource kit is intended to raise awareness of mental health and help counter the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental illnesses. Users are invited to use the kit with event planning, partnership development, outreach to schools and businesses, mental health resources, marketing to the general public, and grassroots outreach.

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Bridging Resources to Peer Mentor Support

The Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital has shared a synopsis and tools they have developed as part of their peer mentoring program for people with recently acquired spinal cord injuries. Mentors also have spinal cord injuries and have similar backgrounds. This peer mentor model could be adapted to a variety of situations. Other more detailed tools (such as weekly and monthly reports) are also available by contacting the staff.

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A Guide to Accessible Recreation in West Virginia

WV Real Choice worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. The grant worked on many recreation activities including the attached guide (and web version) created to list accessible recreation sites, features and locations of destinations for state residents and visitors.

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Real Choice Community Grant Request for Proposals and Questionnaire

WV Real Choice worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. One way the grant accomplished systems change at a grassroots level is by funding innovative community-based model projects. Review program materials including the RFP flyer and a project process questionnaire.

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Reaching Out Curriculum

The Real Choice Systems Change grant created a turn-key curriculum to promote inclusive community support for West Virginians of all ages and all disability types. Accessible curriculum addressing advocacy, community living, self-determination and transition was developed for the public, health care and social service providers, administrators and policymakers. A writing retreat was held to create the document and the outcomes and curriculum index were made available in electronic format.

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Making Tracks to Transitions Program Resources

Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital has designed supports for youth with disabilities and their families as they transition from youth to adulthood. The three stage program creates a \"medical home\" for the youth age 14-21, creating relevant goals, and working with schools and community agencies to meet objectives. Resources included: initial assessment, checklists for the three areas of development (medical, psychosocial, and independent living), a parent checklist, and a bibliography.

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