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Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) for Older Adults in Minnesota: Final Report

A modest evaluation of the experience in Minnesota was included as part of their Cash & Counseling grant and this is the final report describing that qualitative evaluation.This report explores consumer and family member response to CDCS, presenting the results from key informant interviews held in 2007.

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Consumer and Counselor Experiences in the Arkansas IndependentChoices Program

This report synthesizes information from in-person interviews with program staff, a mail survey of program counselors, and telephone interviews with consumers who had the opportunity to receive the program allowance. It also discusses the program's goals and features, how consumers managed their responsibilities under it and made use of its flexibility, and levels of consumer satisfaction with the program.

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Tips for Working with Refugees with Disabilities & Connecting Them to Community Resources

These are two presentations created and facilitated by the Community Connections for Refugees with Disabilities program sponsored by Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital in Chicago, IL. One offers ideas and things to consider when connecting people to community resources; the other focuses on things to remember when working with members of particular cultures. Although both presentations were made with an Illinois audience in mind, people from other states will find helpful information here as well.

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Confronting Multiple Oppressions: Examining the Needs of People with Disabilities who are of Hispanic / Latino Descent

Hispanic individuals with disabilities have unique needs that service systems often do not meet. Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital recently conducted a needs assessment with our Hispanic patients with disabilities, striving to understand the general disability-related needs of Hispanic patients and how medical systems can fit into meeting these needs. These PowerPoint presentations were presented at the Latino Social Workers Organization's conference in March 2009 (Chicago, IL).

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