Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Best Practices and Trade Secrets: How to Recruit and Train Quality Staff

Recruiting and retaining qualified workers is challenging for policy makers, providers and consumers of long term support services. The Vermont Department of Aging and Disabilities and the Division of Developmental Services organized a forum to explore best practices in Vermont. Over 140 policymakers, provider agencies, workers and advocates attended the forum. This is an overview of that forum.

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Model Communities: An Informal Discussion Among States

On July 16 and 17, 2003, representatives from a diverse assortment of states came together in Denver, Colorado, to share information, learn from one another and explore ways to help each other achieve an important, mutual goal: to build better and stronger communitiesin which people with disabilities are readily and routinely part of the fabric of everyday life. This is a report on that discussion.

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2nd Annual Training Institute for State Mental Health Olmstead Coordinators

These slides were presented at the 2nd Annual Training Institute for State Mental Health Olmstead Coordinators (9/30/2002 - 10/2/2002). They provide a brief overview of the FY01 and FY02 Systems Change Grants, including charts depicting which states are focusing their efforts in areas such as housing, mental health, nursing facility transition, etc.

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Regional Housing Forum

On November 13th and 14th in Washington, D.C. teams from Kentucky, Florida, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Delaware and the District of Columbia participated in a Regional Housing Forum to increase understanding and shape the design and implementation of strategies that promote affordable and accessible housing choices for persons with disabilities. Forum participants generated recommendations for CMS and HUD to help support their systems change activities and improve housing choices.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Using Survey Data for Quality Improvement\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Risk Planning Systems\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Designing Meaningful Consumer Surveys\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Insuring Quality in Consumer-Directed Delivery Models\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Involving Consumers, Families and Advocates in the Quality Agenda\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Integrating Quality Improvement Projects Into Your System or Agency\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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