Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Providing and Coordinating Supportive and F/EA Services

These presentations were part of the 2007 Government and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop. The presentations given by West Virginia, New Mexico, and New Jersey representatives explore the benefits and challenges of providing supportive and F/EA services under one umbrella organization versus providing them through separate vendor entities.

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Role of Reporting Agents in the Provision of F/EA Services

This presentation was given at the 2007 Government & Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop. Susan Flanagan provided a definition of a reporting agent and present IRS’ current position on Government and Vendor F/EAs using RAs. PayChoice’s Chris Murray and Tom Gannon describe the federal requirements for RAs providing payroll processing services for Government and Vendor F/EAs and how state taxation agencies view these entities. A checklist for selecting reporting agents is also provided.

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Ticket to Work Mental Health Summit: Recovery Through Work - 2009

SSA’s Office of Employment Support Programs (OESP), CMS and SAMHSA hosted a two day summit focusing on its Ticket to Work Program and mental health employment services. Presenters gave a series of keynotes and breakout sessions including topics such as dispelling Ticket Program myths, functioning as a successful Employment Network, and evidence-based practice in supported employment.

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Independent Choices: National Symposium On Consumer-Directed Care And Self-Determination For The Elderly And Persons With Disabilities

A summary from the June 2001 symposium titled, “Independent Choices: A National Symposium on Consumer-Direction and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities”. Major themes and outcomes are highlighted based on the dialogue from the various speakers including policymakers, program administrators, consumer advocates, service producers, and researchers.

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Overview Of The Consumer Direction Module

This is a presentation, from the 2007 Government & Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop. An overview of the Consumer Direction Module, a web-based software application for supporting the delivery of self-directed services, is provided here. The CDM is designed to make communication among the program participant, support broker, Fiscal/Employer Agent and state administrator simple and efficient; permit ongoing, timely, and efficient monitoring; and enhance the delivery of self-directed services.

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