Applications for funding

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Application Materials For Test Sites That Integrate Supports With Affordable Housing

As part of the 2004 Integrating Long-Term Supports with Affordable Housing Grant, Oregon developed this application for five initial test sites. The goal for test site participation is for providers to know where their program stands in terms of providing supportive housing services and to develop future capacity for supported housing programs. Use the application as a template and to review the criteria necessary to select an agency.

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2007 Community Alternatives to Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) Demonstration Grant Announcement

CMS announced $218 million in demonstration grants awarded up to 10 States to help provide community alternatives to psychiatric residential treatment facilities for children. These demonstration grants enacted by the Deficit Reduction Act, available over a five year period, will also assist States in adopting strategic approaches for improving quality as they work to improve each child's functional level in the community. Applicants' teleconference Sept. 19 & proposals are due Oct. 18, 2006.

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HUD’s Fiscal Year 2006 Notice of Funding Availability for SuperNOFA Discretionary Programs

HUD published these two notices for available funding in order to give prospective applicants sufficient time to begin preparing their applications, and to register early with Review the notice which contains 39 funding opportunities.

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Application for a §1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waiver [Version 3.3]

CMS has developed the final revised working draft of the 1915 (c) HCBS waiver application, Instructions and Technical Guide, Resource Documents, and the CMS Review Instrument. This is the version that CMS is currently automating for use as a web-based application available in Feb 2006. The new application was designed to solicit more complete information from states about the design of their waiver program to better determine whether a proposed waiver has the capacity to meet the requirements.

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Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Funding for Centers for Independent Living Centers

The Dept. of Education is accepting requests for grant supplements from RSA-funded Centers for Independent living that are involved in serving persons with disabilities displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Awards range from $150,000 to $300,000. Applications are due by September 23rd and should arrive on form ED 524.

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CMS Revised Draft HCBS 1915c Waiver Application

Draft Version 3.0 of the1915c Medicaid HCBS Waiver Application and the “Instructions, Technical Guide and Review Criteria.” are now available. These materials provide guidance for completing the application, background information on program requirements and assurances, an explanation of options available to states and review criteria. States interested in using the draft application prior to 1/’06 should notify your CMS Regional Office which will provide you with the most current -Version 3.2.

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