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HUD Notice PIH 2005-5(HA)

On February 1, 2005, HUD issued a very important Notice PIH 2005-5(HA). The notice ties together Housing Vouchers, Olmstead, Waivers, the New Freedom Initiative, and the President's Exec.Order 13217, that \"promotes community-based alternatives, rather than institutional settings.\" Read what HUD has told your local Housing Authorities what they must do and is required for persons with disabilities regarding Housing Vouchers.

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Indiana’s Waiver Services Unit Program Overview

The Indiana Waiver Services is a new unit created in Jan ‘04, to consolidate the management and operation of Indiana’s eight HCBS Waivers. Attached are documents that provide a program overview. The Services Unit Summary describes the program; the Priority Diversion Guidelines details the individual criteria for priority diversion; the Waiver Services Organizational Chart provides a pictorial overview; and the Hoosiers at Home Press Release announces the programs goals.

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New Jersey Governor Proposes Development of Housing Trust Fund - Housing Info Update #27

Acting Governor Richard Codey solidified New Jersey’s commitment to helping individuals with disabilities by proposing the creation of a $200 million housing trust fund. This fund is the initial step that will assist in the creation of 10,000 permanent, affordable housing opportunities over a 10-year period and is the beginning component of a comprehensive housing plan. The trust will be funded through unused capital bond capacity identified by the State Treasure.

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Minnesota\'s Home Accessibility Design and Funding Guides - Housing Info Update #26

The Minnesota Finance Authority has made available guides on their website to assist consumers on how to design accessible home modifications and provide details on what funding programs are available from federal, state and local levels. The website provides connection to two distinct guides: The Home Accessibility Remodeling Series and The Home Accessibility Remodeling Funding Resource

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Out of Reach 2004: America’s Housing Wage Climbs - Housing Info Update #25

The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) recently released Out of Reach 2004: America’s Housing Wage Climbs, their annual study of wages and rents in the United States. The study shows as housing costs increase faster than wages, decent, modest housing is increasingly out of reach for millions of Americans. Out of Reach is a side-by-side of wages and rents in every county, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), combined non-metropolitan area, and state in the United States.

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Virginia Launches Online Accessible Housing Registry - Housing Info Update #24

Identifying available affordable and accessible housing is a difficult task for many consumers wishing to relocate to community based living settings. In the past few years, many states have instituted accessible housing registries in an effort to provide a one-stop location for consumers to search for housing in their communities. In January 2005, the State of Virginia launched its newly developed online accessible housing registry.

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Vulnerable Adult Abuse Awareness Kit

The Wyoming Department of Health/Aging Division staff who oversee the Nursing Facility Transitions Grant, Dorothy Thomas & Marcia Harvey, who oversees the Ombudsman Program worked in partnership with Jan Stiles, Adult Protective Services/Department of Family Services to develop & implement a standardized Vulnerable Adult Abuse Awareness Kit. They contain a variety of materials to address Adult Abuse & were presented to agencies by trained individual & local Adult Protective Service workers.

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Direct Support Professional Fairness and Security Act of 2004 (H.R. 5197)

In an effort to equalize salaries for direct support professionals, a bill was introduced into the House that would improve the salaries & benefits. The Direct Support Professional Fairness and Security Act would increase federal Medicaid reimbursement rates & would amend Title XIX of the Social Security Act allowing states to raise salaries for privately employed staff who provide community-based support services.

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Cash & Counseling: 11-State Expansion Announcement

On 10/7/2004 eleven new states were awarded three-year Cash & Counseling grants, allowing them to replicate and expand on the Cash & Counseling model. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation and the Administration on Aging, the following states will receive approximately $250,000 to implement Cash & Counseling programs: AL, IA, KY, MI, PA, RI, VT, WA, and WV. MN and NM will receive an additional $100,000 to enhance their programs.

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FY2004 Real Choice Systems Change Grants: Award Announcement

On October 5, 2004, HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson announced $31 million in grants to 31 states to help people with disabilities or long-term illnesses live in their homes and participate fully in community life. The grants were awarded under the New freedom Initiative and are known as Real Choice Systems Change Grants. A total of 52 grants were awarded in nine categories. The press release, which describes the grant categories, and list of grantees are available.

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