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Housing Information Briefs and Brochures: West Virginia

WV Real Choice worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. The grant worked on many housing activities. Their products include a housing guide, information briefs, brochures, press release and PSA created by the program to explain and address housing needs.

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HUD Public Housing Authority Executive Director Letter: How Housing Authorities can implement the Money Follows the Person Initiative

On October 5, 2006, Secretary of HUD, Alphonso Jackson wrote a \"Dear Executive Director\" letter to each Public Housing Authority regarding how Housing Authorities could implement both the Money Follows the Person legislation and the Presidents' New Freedom Initiative.

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FY2006 Real Choice Systems Change Grants for Community Living

HHS announced on September 15, 2006, the award of $20 million in grants to states to develop programs for people with disabilities or long term illnesses. The eight states receiving a 2006 award are California, Virginia, Michigan, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Kansas. The award will help states and territories “rebalance” their long-term support programs to help people with chronic illness or disabilities to reside in their homes and participate fully in community life.

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Long-term Care in Tennessee: A Survey of Registered Voters Age 35+

A new survey shows overwhelming support for giving residents choices for long-term care in the home and community. Tennessee is last in the nation in providing options in long-term care. AARP commissioned this survey to determine where voters stand on key issues. Voters say they are more likely to vote for state candidates who support allowing funds now used only for nursing homes to also be available for alternative services which help older and disabled Tennesseans remain independent.

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Virginia Family to Family Health Information and Education Center Resources

Parent to Parent and Family Voices are proud to announce the new Family to Family Health Information and Education Center called the Virginia Integrated Network of Family Organization or The VA-INFO Center. The center provides youth and parents of children with special needs, service providers and others one place to call to get information and referrals, parent to parent peer support, annual family support conference, and other training opportunities.

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Notice of Procedures for Designation of Consortia as a Participating Jurisdiction for the HOME Program

HUD CPD Notice 06-04 provides guidance on the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. The Notice updates CPD Notice 04-05; it is applicable to a) Units of General Local Government (UGLGs) that wish to form a consortium to participate in the HOME program, b) existing consortia that are already qualified to participate in the HOME program and want to add one or more UGLG members, c) existing consortia that must execute a new consortium agreement because their consortium qualification period ended.

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Long-Term Care Roadmap to Medicaid Reform

On March 31, 2006, HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt outlined new flexibilities available to states under the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 (Pub.L. No. 109-171). Find out how the new DRA provisions may link with other options available under Medicaid to transform long-term care to person-centered care and to expand coverage for individuals with disabilities, increase access to community supports, and promote personal responsibility, independence, and choice.

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Money Follows the Person Act - New Mexico

The New Mexico legislature has passed the \"Money Follows the Person Act\" (MFP) allowing people with disabilities of all ages to choose community living. The passage of MFP dove-tails with federal legislation signed into law by President Bush in the Omnibus Budget bill. The New Mexico legislation will allow a person in a nursing facility to choose community living, and have the money that has supported the person in the facility to follow the person to the community.

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Certified HOME Program Specialist Training Initiative

The Office of Affordable Housing Programs is now pleased to announce this new training initiative which will use a modified 'Building HOME' primer course as its foundation. Two and one-half days of training will be provided followed by a certification test. The training and testing will happen in various locations across the country and will focus on the HOME regulations. At this time only PJ or HUD staff with at least one year of direct HOME experience are permitted to register.

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