Transition/Diversion from Institutions

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Variation Analysis by Location and Understanding Efficiency (VALUE) Project

These resources come from a CMS-funded pilot program where four participating quality improvement organizations (QIOs) test interventions designed to understand and change health care cost and quality patterns that differ between regions. The CARE tools ensure quality maintenance during health care transitions by assessing and recording key data. The archived weekly learning sessions cover a variety of topics related to transitional care and include handouts and audio recordings.

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Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities – Websites

These free websites connect employers and college students with disabilities. The first site features only federal sector employers, while the EARN site includes non-profit and other private sector employers. Students and recent graduates can participate by interviewing with accredited recruiters on campus in January or February. Visit the website for more information on how a school can participate.

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Oregon Youth Transition Trainings

The first of these two presentations is for volunteer partners who help persons with disabilities and their families integrate employment transition into individual education plans (IEP). It is broad in scope, touching on the rights of the individual and family, employment and training resources, and state supports available. The second training focuses on the policy level and describes the goals, participants, outcomes, and keys to success of a statewide youth transition program.

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The Aging Services Network: Accomplishments and Challenges in Serving a Growing Elderly Population

This issue brief and background paper outline the ongoing history, services, and expenditures associated with the Older Americans Act (OAA). The report also summarizes services that are funded through the OAA and other federal and state funds and are provided by the state and local agencies that comprise the Aging Services Network. Finally, key challenges to meeting the needs of the changing population are identified, especially with regards to service improvement and funding.

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Discussion Brief: Independent Living Centers: Experienced Local Partners for Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services

Centers for Independent Living (CILs) have been providing important services to individuals with disabilities since the 1970s. State Medicaid programs have contracted with CILs to provide Medicaid-funded services. This paper examines four important home and community-based services (HCBS) provided by CILs and funded by Medicaid: case management/support coordination; personal assistance services; nursing facility transition services; and equipment and home modification.

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Opportunities for Creating Livable Communities

This paper outlines the most common barriers to implementing livable communities and outlines cases where these barriers were overcome using planning and zoning tools. Housing, transportation and mobility, land use, cooperation and communication, public involvement in community planning, and leadership are the components of livable communities that are addressed.

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Issue Brief: Controls on the Premature Discharge by Hospitals to Post-Acute Providers

The prevalence of the practice of transferring patients to sub-acute levels of care has created concerns with hospital discharge planners. Their apprehension arises from the possibility that if they do not quickly transfer patients from an acute care setting to a post-acute level of care, their hospital may be at an economic disadvantage to others with shorter lengths of stay due to differing transfer practices. This paper looks at four factors that mitigate the incentives to transfer patients.

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State Strategies to Build and Sustain Consumer Advocacy

This report compares strategies of eight states engaged in strengthening consumer participation in long-term care (LTC) policy advocacy. The authors identify several tips for states to encourage consumer advocacy with the goals of increasing the efficacy and accountability of programs. This paper is part of a project funded by CMS to study ways to create a more equitable balance between Medicaid funds for LTC going to institutional services versus community-based supports.

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Mental Health Supported Employment: Training and Calculations - Oregon

As an evidence-based practice, supported employment provides people with mental health diagnoses a mainstream job paying at least minimum wage in a setting which provides ongoing support and includes other people who are not disabled. Find a training for professionals embarking on conversion from day treatment to supported employment for persons with mental health issues and baseline calculations by which to begin measuring the effectiveness of this conversion.

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Compendium of Home Modification and Assistive Technology Policy and Practice Across the States

The purpose of this compendium is to establish baseline knowledge of the scope of assistive technology and home modification services that states make available to Medicaid-eligible adults. This study provides federal and state policymakers with basic information to inform planning and policy development. It also provides other stakeholders, including consumers, with valuable information about Medicaid State Plan and HCBS waiver.

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