Transition Planning

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Training Needs Assessment Report: Paths to Employment Resource Center - Wisconsin

This needs assessment is one example of how the state of Wisconsin is working to achieve the goals of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant and to strengthen its employment infrastructure for residents with disabilities. Within this report find input from consumers, employment service providers, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders as well as recommendations for for emerging training needs in order to best serve those involved in the community rehabilitation process.

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2011 AoA, CMS, VA National Grantee Meeting – Archived Presentations

The AoA, CMS, and VA National Grantee Meeting was February 14-17, 2011. Use the attached links to find presentations from the 2011 sessions, available in PDF. Topics range from home and community-based services, evidence based care transition models, person-centered planning, aging and disability partnerships, and supporting caregivers. Full titles are available in the keywords section.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Outreach Materials - Nevada

In one stop, find numerous examples of how the state of Nevada provides outreach and information to its consumers with disabilities. The attached portfolio includes PowerPoint presentations, training materials, brochures, and advertisements that serve as helpful examples of how to successfully disseminate this important information.

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Transition to Adult Life for Students with Disabilities

This guidebook explains what schools need to do when providing transition services to youth with disabilities. It is written to parents with a primary emphasis on the legal rights of students with disabilities during the transition years. Although developed for residents of Pennsylvania, much of the information can be useful for assisting individuals in other states as well.

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Employment and Social Security Information for Youth - Florida

How is Florida helping their youth with disabilities to transition into the job market and find employment? Find a presentation with information on applying for SSI benefits and work incentives, helpful hints regarding job interviews, as well as sample resumes. These resources could be useful to other states seeking to address this demographic.

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MIG Work Plans and Activities - District of Columbia

How are states educating Disability Services providers and other project stakeholders on their MIG plans? Attached are two diagrams of the components and status of MIG projects and activities used in the District of Columbia during planning meetings. These graphic descriptions may be replicable by other states looking to present similar information.

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Youth Information, Training and Resource Center - Website

This project provides resources and supports for High School students of transition age and to school districts who facilitate the transition process. It serves fifteen counties in South Mississippi and is housed at the Institute for Disability Studies at the University of Southern Mississippi. Project TRIAD provides information, training and resources to youth and their families and secondary and postsecondary personnel. Visit the website for news and practical implementation tools.

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Medi-Cal 250% Working Disabled Program Presentations and Resources - California

This program was established so workers with disabilities and earned income under 250% of the Federal Poverty Level could keep coverage by paying a monthly premium. It provides choice and opportunity to Californians with disabilities who would otherwise be ineligible for full scope Medi-Cal coverage due to earned income and work activity. Included are presentations and resources intended to educate consumers on this and other MIG programs.

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Evaluation of Connect-Ability - Connecticut

Looking for samples of MIG program evaluations? The state of Connecticut created the attached evaluation reports for their Connect-Ability Program. These samples contain program details and the needs, experiences, and satisfaction of individuals who received services. Also included are the procedures and outcomes of nine strategic plans implemented by Local Level Pilot programs. These reports could be helpful for states interesting in evaluating similar initiatives.

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Youth Transition Toolkit - California

Find seven practical,person-centered planning tools for transition planning for youths with disabilities. This toolkit is for youths with disabilities ages 12-18+, with the ultimate goal of easing the transition from junior high school into high school, then on to college and/or employment. Included is information on developing Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans, Individual Transition Plans and more.

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