Stakeholder Involvement

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Promising Practices in Long Term Care Systems Reform: Common Factors of Systems Change

Medstat identified common factors of system change in a six-page brief, based on a review of organization transformation literature and, more importantly, the experiences of eight state long-term support systems that were the subject of a series of case studies on comprehensive system reform.

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Technical Assistance to Real Choice Consumer Task Forces-Website

The Centers on Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded a three year contract to the Topeka Independent Living Resource Center (TILRC) to provide technical assistance to the Consumer Task Forces Real Choice system change grant projects. In doing this, CMS highlighted the contributions that consumers can and must make to the success of the grants and to increasing access to community living services more generally. This website offers a list of grant projects, tip sheets and survey tools.

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Involving People with Disabilities as Members of Advisory Groups

Service providers, schools, parks departments, public health agencies and other organizations make decisions and policies that profoundly affect the health, employment, income and well-being of people with disabilities. This capacity carries the obligation to involve the people most affected by including individuals with disabilities in the decision-making process. This Practice Guideline offers suggestions on how to involve people with disabilities as active members and advisors of your group.

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State Agency Systems Collaboration at the Local Level: Gluing the Puzzle Together

This brief examines the efforts of a local area systems collaboration. In order to better understand partnership and collaboration at a local level, the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on State Systems and Employment at the Institute for Community Inclusion facilitated a collaboration to assist state systems in a local area to address employment services for people with disabilities.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Washington- State Sponsored Endowed Trust Fund

This report describes the State of Washington’s plan to allow families to create a trust fund for people with disabilities without effecting eligibility. This program matches 25% of private contributions and eliminates fees to encourage participation. This document describes the program implementation.

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