Long Term Services and Supports

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Designing a State-Based Social Insurance Program for Long-Term Services and Supports

The National Academy of Social Insurance released a report on potential designs for universal family care. The report highlights state program design proposals for early child care and education, paid family and medical leave, and long-term services and supports. The LTSS section of the report proposes four design issues states may face in developing a social insurance program for LTSS.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71638

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Older Americans Act: HHS Could Help Rural Service Providers by Centralizing Information on Promising Practices

This report discusses how HHS can help rural service providers cope with the challenges of meeting the demand for home and community-based services in rural areas. Specifically, GAO recommends the consolidation of information regarding promising practices to allow local officials and rural service providers to more readily access this information.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71584

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Mobility Managers: Transportation Coordinators for Older Adults, People with Disabilities, Veterans, and Other Members of the Riding Public

This paper describes the roles of mobility managers and explores the benefits of focusing on the individual and their unique transportation challenges. The report highlights emerging innovations from five case studies and presents the results of a national survey and inventory of mobility managers. It also discusses the future role of mobility managers in long-term services and supports.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71583

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Collaborating to Address HCBS Workforce Challenges in MLTSS Programs

This report is the third in a series of publications from the MLTSS Institute. The report identifies the challenges and promising practices in addressing the mismatch between supply and demand for direct care workers in long term services and supports programs, all viewed through the lens of MLTSS programs. This report is co-authored by ADvancing States and Sage Squirrel Consulting, LLC.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71262

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Strengthening Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports in an Evolving Policy Environment: 2019 Update

This toolkit summarizes LTSS reform strategies adopted by state innovators. It identifies concrete policy strategies, operational steps, and federal and state authorities that states have used to advance LTSS reforms. It also includes specific case studies and advice for other states looking to implement similar reforms. In addition, CHCS has published a brief for state legislators looking for a summary of options for developing LTSS policies.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71239

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Home and Community-Based Services Beyond Medicaid: How StateFunded Programs Help Low-Income Adults with Care Needs Live at Home

This paper focuses on how state-funded home and community-based services programs can support low-income older adults. It highlights promising practices that support maximum independence for low-income older adults and/or people with physical disabilities and their family caregivers. The paper explores programs across nine states, including Washington state’s emerging innovation: the Medicaid Transformation demonstration.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71163

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