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Increasing the Quality of Lives and Saving Money: Nebraska\'s Comprehensive Service Delivery Model for Assistive Technology and Home Modifications

This PowerPoint document reports some of Nebraska's services to promote accessibility. Topics of the presentation include employment, independent living, and housing.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49822

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Affordable and Accessible Housing: A National Perspective

Presentation slides from the Midwest Regional Housing Forum provide an overview of the Olmstead decision, implications of Olmstead, the population covered by Olmstead, as well as info regarding housing affordability for people with disabilities, key principles of supportive housing, housing resources and opportunities. The slides also provide potential strategis for housing under Olmstead.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49815

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Midwestern Regional Housing Forum Introduction & Notes

In Sept. ‘03 the Community Living Exchange Collaborative brought together 6 states for a Midwestern Regional Housing Forum. The presentation provides an overview and goals of the two-day forum. The notes provide an overview of the purpose and identify objectives of the Forum and highlight the specific action steps identified by the six participating state teams.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49814

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Universal Design Handbook

This Universal Design publication was developed by Kentucky Housing Corporation. This book reflects \"Tier One\" of KHC's implementation of it's Universal Design policy - this will be followed by the implementation of Tiers Two and Three. KHC refers to Tier One as \"Universal Design Light\", as it does not include requirements for all of the features that would normally be considered complaint with universal design principles.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49786

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The Center for Housing and New Community Economics (CHANCE) Website

The Center for Housing and New Community Economics (CHANCE) mission is to improve and increase access to integrated, affordable, and accessible housing coordinated with, but separate from, personal assistance and supportive services. CHANCE's purpose is to offer alternatives to approaches that segregate, congregate, and control people with disabilities.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49782


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