hunger in older adults

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The State of Senior Hunger in 2021

Feeding America recently published an annual report that provides a broad overview of the extent and distribution of food insecurity among older adults in the United States in 2021. This resource also details trends in food insecurity over the past two decades using national, state-level, and metropolitan-level data from the December Supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS).

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Senior Food-Assistance, Related Programming, and Seniors' Experiences Across the Feeding America Network

This study highlights the issues older adults face in maintaining their health and food security status, including chronic disease, social isolation, mobility, transportation, and limited income and affordability. This study engaged almost 150 older adults and 90 program managers and community agencies across 9 states. It examined 17 different program delivery models, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Commodity Food Supplemental Program (CSFP).

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