North Carolina

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Consumer-Directed Supports Toolbox

The Consumer-Directed Supports Toolbox is a set of materials developed under the Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Services and Supports (CPASS) grant awarded to North Carolina in 2002. It was developed to support the implementation of consumer-directed options in North Carolina. The “toolbox” consists of 3 powerpoint presentations, a set of exercises to be used in conjunction with the powerpoints, a consumer-directed supports manual, brochures and other visual aids.

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The Indicator: NCI’s Bimonthly Newsletter – November 2006

This is the latest newsletter of the National Core Indicators (NCI) program. The publication is designed to keep you abreast of developments and best practices in performance and outcome measurement as exemplified in initiatives among NCI participants. Issue 1, Volume 4 is a special issue dedicated to Member Profiles. Review the summaries for twenty-three states plus the Regional Center of Orange County in California.

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Developing a Stigma Reduction Initiative Resource Kit

Certainly, stigma is one of the more formidable obstacles to a transformed mental health system. This resource kit is intended to raise awareness of mental health and help counter the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental illnesses. Users are invited to use the kit with event planning, partnership development, outreach to schools and businesses, mental health resources, marketing to the general public, and grassroots outreach.

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Meeting Summary: Invitational Forum: Advancing Consumer Choice Through Better Understanding of Nurse Delegation

The Nurse Delegation Invitational Forum brought together 28 participants from seven states to discuss the involvement of unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) in the provision of health care tasks to long-term care consumers through nurse delegation and consumer direction. The Oregon long-term care system served as the forum centerpiece, with presentations by staff from state programs, the board of nursing, practicing nurses who delegate and visits to several sites in the Portland area.

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Family Caregiver Alliance Website

A public voice for caregivers, the Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) offers information education, services, research and advocacy programs to support and sustain the vital work of families caring for loved ones. The website offers fact sheets, audio archives, referrals, newsletters, issue briefs and reports. A newly updated resource map called Caregiving Across the States allows state administrators, policy makers, and caregivers to access state-by-state data from an interactive database.

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CMS Direct Service Workforce Demonstration Grants: Overview and Discussion of Health Coverage Interventions

In 2003 CMS launched the Demonstration to Improve the Direct Service Community Workforce by awarding five grants and five more in 2004. Six grantees are using funds to make health care coverage more affordable/accessible. Interventions vary in strategy but each takes three approaches: subsidizing employer-based coverage, offering arrangements that combine basic insurance and personal accounts, or outreach to enroll DSWs in public private partnerships. This report reviews the lessons learned.

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Medicaid at a Turning Point: Results From a 50-State Survey on State Budgets and Medicaid Policy Actions for Fiscal Years 2006 and 2007

The annual 50-state survey of Medicaid officials finds an improved economy combined with the implementation of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit has contributed to the lowest rate of Medicaid spending growth in a decade and the fourth consecutive year in which Medicaid spending growth has slowed. Review the news release, read the report, or listen to conference materials and view the presentation slides.

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North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Website

This site contains many policies and forms used in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Scroll down to DHHS Targeting Plans and Key Program Assistance to download documents: Program Procedures & Requirements, Support Coordinator Contact Information, Targeting Plan Template, Letter of Referral, Checklist for Initial Funding & Move-Ins, Direct Deposit, Authorization, Owner Agreement to Participate, Rent & Subsidy Calculation Worksheet, Payment Requisition, Termination Notice, IRS Form W-9.

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State Training and Education Policies and Statistics (STEPS) Clearinghouse

This site offers a unique mix of quantitative and qualitative policy information to assist advocates, researchers, and policymakers interested in improving implementation of federal workforce policies. Data is presented in state by state summaries and interactive databases for Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Pell Grants, Perkins Vocational & Technical Education, Adult Education & Family Literacy, and Wagner-Peyser/Employment Service programs.

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