New York

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State Human Service Transportation Coordinating Councils: An Overview and State Profiles

Find a synopsis of how state coordinating councils operate, including a 50-state reference table, and profiles of the 25 existing state coordinating councils. Focused on improving coordination at the state and local levels, the Councils are a key to successfully keeping people in the community. Some of these states have created their Councils by state statute, some by state executive order or governor initiative.

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Coverage for Consumers, Savings for States: Options for Modernizing Medicaid

Explore Medicaid expansion under health care reform and savings for states through Medicaid “modernization.” This report examines three broad categories of savings opportunities including the greater use of coordinated care techniques, the greater use of managed care for LTC, and the upgrading of Medicaid’s administrative processes. Find national and state-specific projections of increases in Medicaid enrollees as a result of health reform legislation and of the associated Medicaid costs.

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Policy to Practice Brief #2 – New York

How are states creating in-depth, understandable descriptions of their MIG programs? New York state created Policy-to-Practice Briefs, filled with information, materials and technical assistance. This series of briefs is designed to reach a wide spectrum of readers, with topics such as self-sufficiency, roles and opportunities for schools and education systems, and SSDI. It's thoughtful approach and design make it a good example for other states looking at structuring this kind of information.

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The Rehabilitation Summit – New York

How are MIG programs engaging the rehabilitation professional community? The New York State Rehabilitation Association created a summit to establish collaboration with organizations who provide training, promote dialogue and reach consensus on issues facing rehabilitation professionals in all levels of staffing in New York State. A sample of their brochure outlining their mission, their agenda and registration forms for the September 2009 summit is attached.

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New York Makes Work Pay Webinars – New York

How are states incorporating new media into their MIG grant training programs? Webinars allow for a cinematic, presentation like, learning experience that can be accessed conveniently online. The state of New York uses webinars to explain their programs to consumers and service providers, and made archives of these presentations available online. A link to the archives page of the New York Makes Work Pay site is provided below. These webinars could serve as a template for other MIG states.

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Working Newsletter - New York

Electronic and print newsletters are a popular and effective way of keeping MIG grant program details updated and available to service providers and consumers alike. New York's Working Newsletter is a monthly publication that is available both electronically and in print. It covers New York Makes Work Pay Initiative program features and updates, such as statewide developments and webinar training schedules. Two samples are attached which could serve as useful samples for other states.

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Data Analysis On The PAS Workforce – Interactive Website

Review an analysis of the size and characteristics of the PAS workforce during the period 2005-07. Data is available by state and nationwide and is based on a three-year combined sample of data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey. Data include gender, age, ethnicity, birthplace, income, and type of employment.

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The Starting Point: The Balance of State Long-Term Care Systems Before the Implementation of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration

Review an early assessment of the balance of state LTC systems before the implementation of the MFP demonstration. The authors’ goal was to develop a baseline against which the impacts could be measured as the program matures and evolves. This baseline information is used to identify key differences in the makeup of states’ LTC systems, and the observations suggest that the impacts of the program are likely to differ across states.

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Fair Housing Planning Guide

Are you looking for assistance with Fair Housing Planning? This Guide provides an historical perspective of fair housing, information on how to conduct an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI), undertake activities to correct the identified impediments, and the types of documentary records to be maintained. It was developed for State, State-funded, and Entitlement jurisdictions along with applicable HUD regulations pertaining to fair housing.

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Systems of Care: Environmental Scan of Medicaid-Funded Long-Term Supports and Services

Learn about the status of the public LTC delivery system, and opportunities and obstacles for LTSS reform and rebalancing. The study surveys states’ current HCBS expenditures and utilization, analyzes factors underpinning Medicaid’s institutional bias, looks at federal and state initiatives to improve the ratio between institutional and community-based care, and points to statutory and regulatory “fixes” that could enhance the states’ ability to improve their LTC delivery systems.

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