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Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Programs: Data Update - Dec 2007

The national percentage of Medicaid spending on home and community-based services (HCBS) has more than doubled from 1992 to 2004. This report presents a summary of the main trends to emerge for the three Medicaid HCBS programs and the results of a survey of policies such as eligibility criteria and waiting lists.

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Cash & Counseling: Improving the Lives of Medicaid Beneficiaries Who Need Personal Care or Home and Community-Based Services

This final report summarizes the findings from five years of research on how each of the three demonstration states implemented its program, and on how the programs have affected the consumers who participated, the consumers’ paid and unpaid caregivers, and the costs to Medicaid. The analysis is based on an experimental design to ensure that the estimates of program effects are unbiased, and has sample sizes that are adequate to detect program effects of policy-relevant magnitudes.

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Family Caregiver Support: State Facts at a Glance

This report provides information about family caregivers of older Americans and the state-level programs serving them. The profiles provide information on state demographics and programs related to caregiving. They offer a snapshot of each state's caregiver support programs, services offered, funding sources, eligibility criteria, and options for consumer direction. Also, information about locating grandparent support programs is included along with highlights of recent state legislation.

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State Perspectives on Emerging Medicaid Long-Term Care Policies and Practices

The purpose of this survey analysis is to provide states with an overview of the implementation of these DRA changes across the country, specifically in terms of Long-Term Care services and the steps the states have taken. Findings address eligibility, Children with Disabilities, Money Follows the Person, HCBS State Plan Amendments, Transition from Institutions, Managed Care, SPA for Personal Care Services, Cash & Counseling, Care Coordination, Disease Management and Long-Term Care Reform.

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Government and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop: Building Sustainable Fiscal Supports For Self-Directed Service Programs

The presentations from the November 2007 F/EA Workshop are now available. Topics included Promising Practices in Workers’ Compensation, CMS Policies, the Role of Reporting Agents in the Provision, plus Government and Vendor F/EA Operations, Design and Implementation Issues. Review the presentations by states, vendors and subject matter experts.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2002 Nursing Facility Transition Grantees: Final Report

This report describes the enduring changes brought about by the NFT Grantees who either established or improved nursing facility transition programs or helped establish infrastructure. This two-part paper first examines changes and remaining challenges, lessons learned and recommendations, and later provides state-specific summaries. Review grantee activities including new statutes, policies, funding and expense changes, plus outreach and technical materials developed to facilitate transition.

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MIG-RATS Website

The Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Research Assistance to States (MIG-RATS) Center launched a website to provide resources and support to states implementing MIGs. The website is designed to help staff find research reports and resources, learn about MIG-RATS activities and initiatives, and connect with MIG researchers. The website includes info on topics such as Medicaid Buy-In programs, outreach and marketing, and youth in transition and also provides links to tools and a calendar of events.

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As Tough Times Wane, States Act to Improve Medicaid Coverage and Quality: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2007 and 2008

The annual 50-state survey of state officials on Medicaid and state budget actions reports enrollment in Medicaid declined. This decline was driven primarily by two factors. States reported new citizenship documentation requirements were causing delays in processing applications, affecting individuals already eligible for the program. State officials also cited good economy and lower unemployment for reducing enrollment. 42 states expect to expand coverage to the uninsured in the next year.

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Nursing Home Diversion Modernization Grants Program – Press Release

HHS announced an $8.8 million investment to help states provide more affordable choices to individuals struggling to remain in their homes and communities as they age. A total of $5.7 million in federal funding was awarded to 12 states for grants for this nursing home diversion program that will improve state efforts to assist individuals avoid unnecessary nursing home placement, impoverishment and spend-down to Medicaid.

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Medicaid HCBS Waiver Expenditures FY 2001 through FY 2006

This memorandum and tables present data on Medicaid 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver expenditures from Federal Fiscal Years 2001 through 2006. Each HCBS waiver is classified by population served in order to show the distribution of HCBS waiver expenditures across long term care populations. This year's memo also identifies which waivers exclusively serve children.

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