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Technical Assistance Provider Contact Information

Beginning in 2001 and continuing in 2002 and 2003, technical assistance for the Real Choice Systems Change grantees has been provided by the Exchange Collaborative team (combined efforts of ILRU and Rutgers University/CSHP). These documents provide contact information for the TA providers and two charts indicating which Exchange Team is responsible for providing TA to the grantees. In 2002 & 2002, TA was divided according to states. In 2003, TA was distributed according to theme.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49944

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers Toolbox

The Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant Program, was developed to assist states in their efforts to create a single, coordinated system of information and access for all persons seeking long term support. This toolbox has been developed for ADRC grantees to: 1) List and succinctly explain the AoA-CMS requirements per each topic, and 2) provide materials that will support the design, development and operation of resource centers.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49893

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Minnesota- Quality Improvement Based on the Values of People Who Receive Supports

A pilot project in southeastern Minnesota has developed a quality assurance approach that focuses on matters important to people receiving supports and their families and provides a means of quality improvement, as opposed to licensing minimum standards. This report is based on an independent evaluation of the project, which used extensive interviews, focus groups and reviews of written materials and project files. The report provides intervention, implementation, and impact information.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49849

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Midwestern Regional Housing Forum Introduction & Notes

In Sept. ‘03 the Community Living Exchange Collaborative brought together 6 states for a Midwestern Regional Housing Forum. The presentation provides an overview and goals of the two-day forum. The notes provide an overview of the purpose and identify objectives of the Forum and highlight the specific action steps identified by the six participating state teams.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49814

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The Future Supply of Long Term Care Workers in relation to The Aging Baby Boom Generation

This report is a product of collaboration between HHS and DOL in response to the requests from the U.S. Congress. Staff at these Departments worked collaboratively to share information and data pertaining to direct care workers in long-term care settings and to develop a joint set of recommendations for the future. This report includes information on informal caregivers, direct care workers, and paraprofessional direct services workers.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49811

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State Long Term Care: Recent Developments and Policy Directions: 2003 Update

In this report, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) traces the budget issues that states confronted in 2002 and examines how they addressed those issues. The report also describes long-term care legislation enacted in 2002 and long-term care planning work that is under way in many states.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49807

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Aging & Disability Resource Center Technical Assistance Website and Presentation

The innovative site is an important component of the ADRC Technical Assistance Exchange, housed at The Lewin Group. ADRCs are designed to overcome barriers to community living for people with disabilities of all ages by streamlining access to long-term support services through \"one-stop\" resource centers. Twenty-three states and one territory have received grants to develop ADRCs. Also included here is a presentation of the major TA activities support for the ADRC grantees.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49796

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