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Issue Brief: A Survey of Medicaid Brain Injury Programs

In late 2007, the Center for State Health Policy surveyed 23 states that operate Medicaid waivers targeted to individuals with brain injuries. Data was obtained about the cost and number of individuals served by these waivers for the waiver years 2002 through 2006. Three states began waivers for those with brain injuries in 2002 or later, and 3 other states discontinued waivers in 2006. Every state except Arizona has multiple Medicaid 1915(c) home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers.

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Compendium of Home Modification and Assistive Technology Policy and Practice Across the States

The purpose of this compendium is to establish baseline knowledge of the scope of assistive technology and home modification services that states make available to Medicaid-eligible adults. This study provides federal and state policymakers with basic information to inform planning and policy development. It also provides other stakeholders, including consumers, with valuable information about Medicaid State Plan and HCBS waiver.

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Quality Indicators for Competitive Employment Outcomes

The indicators provided in this fact sheet serve as a means for self-assessment by employment programs to help make strides toward facilitating competitive and sustainable employment choices for people with disabilities. This tool can also be used to identify both areas of strength to highlight in marketing and areas that need priority attention for improvement.

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The Administration’s Medicaid Regulations: State-By-State Impacts

This report details the state-by-state impacts of seven regulations issued by the CMS that would make major wide-ranging changes. Areas affected include cost limits for public providers, graduate medical education, outpatient hospital services, provider taxes, rehabilitative services, school administration and transportation services, and case management services. The website offers an interactive map showing how proposed regulations would impact each state.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Maryland - Encouraging Evidence-Based Practices in Supported Employment

Maryland's vocational rehabilitation and mental health agencies jointly promote supported employment evidence-based practices (EBP) for people with mental illness. The state provides a payment for EBP services and monitors fidelity to EBP. Training, technical assistance, and small, time-limited grants have assisted providers transitioning to EBP. More than two-thirds of Maryland’s supported employment providers either have adopted EBP or are implementing these practices.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Hospital-Based Nursing Facility Diversion Initiatives

In what ways can the hospital discharge process divert institutional placements or trigger follow-up during the initial weeks following a nursing facility admission? This paper is intended to help states, ADRC pilot sites, or other community organizations to evaluate their options for establishing a hospital-based diversion program and, where appropriate, take steps toward implementing a successful program.

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The Contribution of Self-Direction to Improving the Quality of Mental Health Services

This report focuses on adults with severe mental illness served by the public mental health system. It aims to identify and describe the range of self-directed care programs for this group being pursued by states and bring together existing evidence relating to the impact of these programs on individuals and on state resources. In doing so, it attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate about effective strategies for improving the quality and outcomes of the public mental health system.

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National Consortium for Health Systems Development (NCHSD) Website

The NCHSD is a technical assistance partnership providing flexible, state-tailored technical assistance to states developing comprehensive health and employment service systems for people with disabilities who want to work. Serving people with disabilities, providers, state agencies, research institutes, advocates and businesses, NCHSD is a project of Health & Disability Advocates (HDA). Visit the Resource Exchange and Library for the latest information, events and reports.

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Administration of Mental Health Services by Medicaid Agencies

This report provides a state-by-state analysis of how Medicaid agencies are exercising their responsibilities for mental health services. The report is based on telephone interviews and explores how state Medicaid agencies are addressing the organization, funding, policy, management and data issues that arise from increased responsibility for mental health services. Review the findings which indicated how States have taken varying approaches to providing services.

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