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Medicaid 1915(c) Waiver Expenditures: 2011 Update

This report is the latest in a series on expenditures for Medicaid waivers authorized under Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, also known as home and community-based services waivers. For the first time, the tables include state-reported data for 1915(c) waiver services provided through managed care programs that are not identifiable in the state CMS 64 reports. Thomson Reuters collected these data for FY 2008 and FY 2009.

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Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports in Maryland: Nursing Facilities, FY 2006 to FY 2009

This Chart Book reports on nursing facility services provided to Maryland Medicaid beneficiaries aged 19 years and older. It summarizes demographic, service utilization, acuity, expenditure, and length of stay data for fiscal years 2006 through 2009. This Chart Book was prepared for the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and is intended to monitor trends. Hilltop updates the chart book annually.

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Medicaid and Medicare Resource Use for Dual Eligibles in Maryland

This presentation, delivered by Charles Milligan to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) in Washington, D.C., addressed the issue of coordinating long-term care for persons eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles). Milligan discussed Hilltop's research on Medicare/Medicaid cross-payer effects that found that Medicare and Medicaid financing do not align to promote home and community-based services.

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Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports in Maryland: Money Follows the Person Metrics. Summary

With the growing role of home and community-based services in Medicaid long-term services & supports, an understanding of the different characteristics of the population transitioning from institutional care to HCBS, the trends occurring in LTSS & the effect of the different programs is needed. Hilltop developed a series of metrics to present to the Maryland Money Follows the Person Stakeholder Advisory Group now in the form of chart books. These metrics can be tailored for any state.

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Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Services and Supports: 2011 Update

This document is the latest in a series of reports on Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) spending. This year’s report contains newly available data and changes in the services that are included within LTSS. The report explains the changes, summarizes the data, and describes national trends.

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Federal Financing of Supported Employment and Customized Employment for People with Mental Illnesses: Final Report

A review of the federal financing mechanisms used by state agencies to implement the evidence-based employment models ( IPS and CE) come with the recognition that the federal financing of employment services for people with serious mental illness is a shared responsibility across multiple federal agencies. Improvements in this shared responsibility can lead to more effective support for these evidence-based employment models at the state and local levels.

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Managing the Care of Dual Eligible Beneficiaries: A Review of Selected State Programs and Special Needs Plans

To improve beneficiary care and reduce unnecessary expenditures, a number of states have developed programs and initiatives aimed at improving the coordination and management of care for dual eligibles—beneficiaries enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare for their health care services. This report reviews the experiences in nine states to determine the lessons that can be learned from experience.

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Person-Centered Thinking Tools: Video

What is meant by person centred approaches, thinking and planning?Review a series of nine videos about person-centered planning. The goal of this project is to provide support for the creation of best practice and its implementation by individuals and agencies. Topics include history of lifestyle planning, training, how to get started and personal stories.

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Valuing the Invaluable: 2011 Update - The Growing Contributions and Costs of Family Caregiving

The estimated economic value of family caregivers’ unpaid contributions contribution was approximately $450 billion in 2009. If family caregivers were no longer available, the economic cost to the U.S. health care and long-term services and supports systems would increase astronomically. This report updates national and individual state estimates of the economic value of family care using the most current available data, and provides recommendations for taking care of the caregivers.

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