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StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes – 2009

Unemployment of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) continues to be a significant public policy concern. This report looks at statistics over a 20-year period from several national data sets that address the status of employment and economic self-sufficiency for this population, and contains an overview of national trends, an in-depth perspective on how states collect and use employment data, and an Appendix with individual state and national profiles.

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Coming Home®: Affordable Assisted Living

America's rural communities contain the nation's highest concentrations of older people. Learn about the results of a 13-year, $13-million national program created in 1992 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and NCB Capital Impact to develop affordable assisted living models, with a focus on smaller and rural communities and low-income seniors. Learn about the strategy, program design, implementation, results and lessons learned.

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Long-Term Care Cost Study

Growth in the cost of long-term care services in the U.S. has slowed somewhat during the past two years. As home health care gains in popularity, however, costs are beginning to rise more rapidly and are expected to increase steadily over the next few years. Read about these trends and more in this 2010 study that looked at consumer perceptions and cost trends by state and key metropolitan areas.

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Use of One-Stops by Social Security Disability Beneficiaries in Four States Implementing Disability Program Navigator Initiatives

With federal funding, states have worked to make One-Stop services more accessible to people with disabilities through the Disability Program Navigator (DPN) initiative. This report assesses the extent to which working age recipients of Social Security disability benefits used these services and looks at employment outcomes and differences in utilization and outcomes over time as the initiative matured in the four states studied.

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Hoping for Economic Recovery, Preparing for Health Reform: A Look at Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy Trends

For the tenth consecutive year, a survey of Medicaid officials in all 50 states and DC was conducted to track trends in Medicaid spending, enrollment and policy initiatives. Findings are presented for FYs 2010 and 2011. As states grapple with historically difficult budget conditions, they must also plan for the implementation of the ACA. Review this report including background on the Medicaid program, as well as current issues the program faces.

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State Chart Book On Wages For Personal And Home Care Aides, 1999-2009

This updated resource, the first reflecting a ten year perspective, provides a state‐by‐state look at wages and wage trends for PHCAs, the fourth fastest‐growing occupation in the country, and a key job title within the direct‐care workforce. Prepared as a resource guide on wages for advocates and policymakers, the data underscore the problem of low wages for PHCAs, factors which contribute to workforce instability and near‐poverty incomes for this workforce.

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Survey of State Disability Policy 2010

States play among the most critical roles in responding to and ameliorating disability unemployment. Find examples of state policy related to disabilities, a selection of state programs and initiatives, descriptions of select federal policy, and primary source documents. Topics covered include housing, employment, community integration, long-term care, health, disability awareness and benefits counseling.

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The Fiscal Survey of States

Fiscal year 2010 presented the most difficult challenge for states' financial management since the Great Depression, according to this biannual state fiscal report. With a big drop in revenues from income taxes and other sources, the states are facing their worst fiscal squeeze in decades, as they try to keep programs running for more people, but have fewer dollars to spend. Budget cuts threaten health and social service programs, including the delivery of long-term services and supports.

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Access to Long-Term Services and Supports: A 50-State Survey of Medicaid Financial Eligibility Standards

Medicaid finances nearly half of all LTSS spending. Review an update to existing data on Medicaid financial eligibility standards for nursing home and HCBS waiver services for older persons and adults with disability. 2009 data were obtained on state selection of optional pathways for eligibility, income and asset standards, cost-sharing and other post-eligibility financial requirements. A copy of the survey instrument and accompanying letter to state Medicaid Directors are included.

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Benefits Outreach: Success Stories

Read two reports about successful initiatives in outreach efforts. One describes how the SSA and Dept. of Veterans Affairs worked collaboratively to improve data exchange and outreach, thus increasing it’s service to the military community. The other examines two lives in Colorado and Arkansas that have improved as a result of provisions in the MIPPA Act of 2008.

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