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Real Choice Systems Grant Program: Second Year Report (October 1, 2002–September 30, 2003)

This report describes the FY ‘01 & FY ‘02 Grantees’ accomplishments & progress, using information from 10/1/02 to 9/30/03 (Year Two of grant period for FY ‘01 Grantees & Year One of grant period for FY ‘02 Grantees). The report describes grant activities in six major areas: Consumer Direction & Control, Access to LTC Services & Supports, State Budgeting & Reimbursement Rates & Methodologies, Service Creation/Modification, LTC Service & Support Workforce, Quality Management Mechanism.

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Addressing Liability Issues in Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS)

This report addresses the liability issues that may arise in government-sponsored consumer-directed personal assistance programs. The report focuses on Cash & Counseling Demonstration programs in AR, FL & NJ, In-Home Supportive Services Program in CA & Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program in NY. The reports purpose: first, identify circumstances where negligence could result in liability and what persons are likely to be liable; second, identify steps to reduce exposure to liability.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: California- Local Programs Providing Back-Up Assistance

This report describes two models developed by Public Authorities in California to provide back-up support for consumers with disabilities who direct their own personal care. The models were developed in Alameda and San Francisco County. These counties provide examples of contrasting models for providing back-up support.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: California- Village Integrated Service Agency

This document highlights the Village Integrated Service Agency, a program of the Mental Health Association in Los Angeles County. The program provides coordinated, comprehensive services for people with mental illness. Available services are determined by the needs and goals of the participants. This report describes the program and its effectiveness in helping people with mental illness live independently.

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Families USA Updates Report on Economic Effect of Medicaid

Families USA has released Medicaid: Good Medicine for State Economies predicting the impact state Medicaid spending will have on business activity, jobs, & wages in 2005. The report argues that extending the $10 billion in fiscal relief provided by Congress to the states last year, through enhanced Federal participation in Medicaid, through the end of fiscal year 2005 would help strengthen state economies by generating even more business activity, jobs,& wages. Includes data for every state.

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Summaries of the Systems Change Grants for Community Living - FY 2003 Grantees

The Formative Evaluation of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants evaluates how the Systems Change grantees are progressing towards meeting their goals. The Formative Evaluation identifies problems faced by the grantees and ways that they deal with the problems. This document provides summary information about each of the FY2003 Grantees.

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