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State DD Agency Policies on the Use of Restrictive Procedures

Follow the link for a comprehensive listing of state statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures regarding the use of emergency or planned physical, chemical, mechanical, or other restraints. Additional documents offer information on positive behavior support guidelines, training manuals, and other policy-related materials. Many emphasize the use of positive or non-aversive interventions. Links are provided to access documents on many state DD agency websites.

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Comparison of VR Outcomes for Clients with Mental Illness across System Indicators

Three key issues affecting the understanding of low rates of successful employment outcomes for people with mental illness are explored. These are: lack of a common definition of successful employment; lack of clear, objective, standardized data; and differences among states and programs in measuring client characteristics. Peer critiques to the data and analysis are provided along with tables comparing employment outcomes by state.

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Medicaid and Long-Term Care: New York Compared to 18 Other States

New York spends more than most states on Medicaid and long-term care. To understand why this is, the following traits are evaluated: demographics of residents over 65; poverty level; long-term care spending, budgets, and services; and quality of nursing home care. The findings identify a number of demographic and program factors likely contributing to the high rate of spending.

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Transitioning Medicaid Enrollees from Institutions to the Community: Number of People Eligible and Number of Transitions Targeted Under MFP

Money Follows the Person (MFP) programs only target 0.9% of the people that could be eligible for transitioning out of institutions each year. However, there is a potential to increase rates to 15-40% annually depending on quality of program implementation, who is targeted, and how successful states are in overcoming barriers to transitioning high-needs people. The report looks at grantee states’ potential for accomplishing this rate increase.

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A Description and Analysis of the Federal and Selected State Policy Frameworks Regarding Order of Selection Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act

When states are unable to serve all those eligible for vocational rehabilitation services, they are obligated to use an “order of selection” and first serve people with the most significant disabilities. The paper informs policymakers, agencies, providers, and consumers about the frameworks used by the federal government and selected states to deal with this issue.

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2009 CMS Money Follows the Person Conference Materials

March 2-4, 2009 state program staff, CMS staff, and technical assistance providers met in Baltimore to discuss Money Follows the Person and other strategies for helping people move out of nursing homes. Speakers presented on topics ranging from service integration, housing finance strategies, mentoring, quality, and many others.

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA): Medicaid and Health Care Provisions

This fact sheet examines the assistance for Medicaid programs and key health provisions in the ARRA that President Obama signed into law on February 17, 2009. Subjects covered include the temporary increase in federal matching money for state Medicaid programs, subsidies for COBRA health coverage for laid off workers and funding for health information technology. It includes a breakdown of additional federal allocations to states for Medicaid costs under the act.

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Across the States 2009: Profiles of Long-Term Care and Independent Living

This eighth edition of this reference report presents comparable state- and national-level data for more than 140 indicators on long-term services and supports from a wide variety of sources. Published approximately every two years, the series was developed to help inform policy discussions among public and private sector leaders. This publication presents the most up-to-date data available at the time of production, and is displayed in easy-to-use maps, graphics, tables, and state profiles.

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Addressing Family Responsibilities Discrimination

Family responsibilities discrimination (FRD) occurs when workers are unfairly penalized based on family responsibilities, such as caring for a family member that is older or disabled. Despite the growing number of workers with such responsibilities and the dramatic increase in FRD lawsuits, policies in most states do not yet address it. Find here more information on FRD, a summary of proposed and existing state laws, and resources for further research.

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Caregiving Training in America and Southern California: Results of a National Review

This report presents findings of a national review—or environmental scan—of caregiver training programs and curricula, conducted by the International Longevity Center (ILC) as an initiative of the Caregiving Project for Older Americans, a joint project of the ILC and the Schmieding Center for Senior Health and Education.

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