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State Chart Book on Wages for Personal Care Aides, 2000-2010

This updated resource provides a state-by-state look at trends in wages for PCAs, the fourth fastest growing occupation in the country, and a key job title within the direct-care workforce. Prepared as a resource guide on wages for advocates and policymakers concerned with the direct-care workforce, the data underscore the problem of low wages for PCAs, factors which contribute to workforce instability and near-poverty incomes for this high-demand workforce.

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The Importance of Federal Financing to the Nation’s Long-Term Care Safety Net

This policy brief from Georgetown University, produced with support from The SCAN Foundation, reviews Medicaid's importance and current funding limitations for long-term care and makes the case for strengthening Medicaid two possible ways - full federal responsibility for Medicare beneficiaries who also rely on Medicaid or an enhanced federal match for Medicaid long-term care services. Each approach carries with it a federal commitment to bear the brunt of a growing elderly population.

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Consumer-Directed Personal Care: Comparing Aged and Non-Aged Adult Recipient Health-Related Outcomes Among Those With Paid Family Versus Non-Relative Providers

Risk factors associated with the incidence of recipient injuries, bedsores and contractures, and health care use among aged and non-aged adult personal care recipients are investigated. Data are from a statewide survey of aged and non-aged adult personal assistance service (PAS) recipients in California's In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program. Outcomes among recipients using relatives as paid providers are compared with those of recipients having non-relatives as providers.

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California and Texas: Section 1115 Medicaid Demonstration Waivers Compared

Both of these large state waivers affect hundreds of thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries, involve billions of federal Medicaid matching funds, and are designed, in part, to promote changes in the health care delivery system that will result in better care for individuals, better population health, and reductions in costs through system improvements. They have a number of key similarities and differences as summarized in the side-by-side table within this fact sheet.

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Chronic Disease Self-Management Program State Profiles

How many people have participated in federally supported evidence-based health promotion programs in your state—and who is involved in these efforts? Find out in our new state profiles compiled by NCOA’s Center for Healthy Aging. The downloadable profiles provide facts about health challenges facing seniors, as well as state efforts to improve older adult health.

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Dementia Capability Toolkit

When assessing the needs of persons with dementia and caregivers in the community, it is important to understand the number of persons affected and their unique needs for services and programs. This toolkit complements the issue brief titled Making the Long-Term Services and Supports System Work for People With Dementia and Their Caregivers by identifying resources that states and communities can use to design initiatives to ensure that programs are dementia-capable.

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Flexible Accounting for Long-Term Care Services: State Budgeting Practices that Increase Access to Home- and Community-Based Services

In the context of “rebalancing” efforts, the authors describe flexible accounting as budgeting practices and contractual language that incentivize the use of less expensive noninstitutional programs and use savings to expand lower-cost services to further reduce the state’s use of institutional care. The authors offer recommendations for California and pay special attention to flexible accounting in Medicaid managed LTSS and identify examples of flexible accounting practices.

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The Importance of Federal Financing to the Nation’s Long-Term Care Safety Net

This brief reviews Medicaid’s importance and limitations when it comes to long-term care and makes the case for strengthening Medicaid’s safety net in one of two ways—assumption of full federal responsibility for Medicare beneficiaries who also rely on Medicaid (so-called “dual eligibles”) or an enhanced federal match for Medicaid long-term care services.

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