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Issue Brief: The Economic Security and Health of Older Women of Color

This new issue brief, co-authored by Justice in Aging and the National Women’s Law Center, analyzes employment, income, and health data of older women of color and calls attention to targeted policy solutions to support them. There is a specific focus on how the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted the experience of older women of color and the data that reflects that. This brief emphasizes the need for immediate policy solutions that preserve the economic dignity and health support systems of older women of color.

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Issue Brief – “A Small Number of Drugs Account for a Large Share of Medicare Part D Spending”

On July 12, the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) released an issue brief describing high-cost drugs which accounted for a disproportionate share of Medicare spending. As required under the Inflation Reduction Act, the federal government will announce 10 Medicare Part D prescription drugs by September 1, 2023, selected for price negotiations in 2026. To provide an understanding of the potential impact of negotiating prices, KFF’s analysis found that Medicare Part D spending was concentrated among a small number of prescription drugs, and ten top-selling Medicare-covered prescription drugs in 2021 accounted for 22 percent or nearly one-fourth of gross Part D spending....

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GAO Recommendations Can Help Federal Agencies Better Prepare for Future Public Health Emergencies

To aid federal agencies prepare for future public health emergencies, the GAO released a report detailing findings and recommendations from the agency’s COVID-19 oversight reports spanning from April 2022 through April 2023. This report includes several key data updates and five enclosures that summarize and highlight standalone reports issued from April 2022 through April 2023 on public health preparedness, improper payments and fraud, vulnerable populations, distribution of federal COVID-19 funding, and COVID-19 and the economy...

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Letter to COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers

On July 13th, HHS released a letter directed to COVID-19 manufacturers regarding the transition of vaccines to more traditional pathways and the upcoming 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The letter states that HHS expects vaccines will remain available following the transition in current locations, such as pharmacies and clinics, and priced at reasonable rates. HHS expects vaccine manufacturers that plan to offer the updated COVID-19 vaccines prepare a sufficient supply of doses for the upcoming vaccination campaign...

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FDA Converts Novel Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment to Traditional Approval

On July 6, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) converted Leqembi (lecanemab), indicated to treat adult patients with Alzheimer's Disease, to traditional approval following a determination that a confirmatory trial verified clinical benefit. Leqembi, developed by Biogen and Eisai, was approved in January 2023 under the Accelerated Approval pathway...

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FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces New Actions to Lower Health Care Costs and Protect Consumers from Scam Insurance Plans and Junk Fees as Part of “Bidenomics” Push

On July 7, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced actions to protect consumers from junk health plans, surprise medical bills, and excess costs that lead to medical debt. HHS also released a new report projecting that nearly 19 million older adults and people with disabilities with Medicare will save on average $400 per year on prescription drug costs when the $2,000 out-of-pocket prescription drug spending cap from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) goes into effect in 2025...

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Inflation Reduction Act Research Series: Medicare Part D Enrollee Out-of-Pocket Spending: Recent Trends and Projected Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act

n July 7, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced actions to protect consumers from junk health plans, surprise medical bills, and excess costs that lead to medical debt. HHS also released a new report projecting that nearly 19 million older adults and people with disabilities with Medicare will save on average $400 per year on prescription drug costs when the $2,000 out-of-pocket prescription drug spending cap from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) goes into effect in 2025...

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Associate Director of Policy - SNP Alliance

The SNP Alliance is seeking an Associate Director of Policy to help with the development of SNP Alliance policy goals that are geared towards improving the health and well-being of individuals in circumstances where they require complex needs through specialized managed care. This role is responsible for maintaining relationships with CMS, leading the development of responses to Proposed Medicaid, Medicare Regulations, Congressional legislation, and MedPAC or MACPAC. The Associate Director of Policy would also contribute support to members through virtual education, developing and managing a learning platform, and meetings...

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Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations: Opportunities for Health Plans to Create Value

Read the latest publication from the Partnership to Align Social Care, USAging’s Aging and Disability Business Institute, and the Camden Coalition to learn more about the benefits of partnerships between CBOs and health plans. This new resource highlights the top five reasons why health plans should partner with CBOs and provides case examples from real-life partnerships.

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Request for Technical Assistance Proposals: State-Level Food is Medicine

The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School (CHLPI) has launched an effort to facilitate nationwide implementation of Food is Medicine (FIM) policy and build capacity for change at the state level with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. CHLPI is now seeking proposals from partners to expand their efforts to build upon CHLIPI’s expertise in food access and nutrition policy to advance FIM policies in their respective states....

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