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AoA Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services Website

Through the Older Americans Act (OAA) and other legislation, Administration on Aging (AOA) supports programs that help older adults remain as healthy and independent as possible in their homes and communities. This webpage provides a brief introduction to the Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services supported by the Aging Network, as well as a list of related resources and links.

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Protecting Family Caregivers from Employment Discrimination

This report covers the issues of eldercare and the workplace. It identifies discrimination in the workplace encountered by workers with eldercare responsibilities as an emerging trend and highlights the limited protections for working caregivers. The report calls for developing public and private solutions to ensure that workers with eldercare responsibilities receive equal employment opportunity and are protected from workplace discrimination.

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Managing State-Level ACA Implementation Through Interagency Collaboration

This report is designed to offer the collective wisdom and practical insights of state officials and technical experts related to the leadership and interagency coordination needed to implement the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It discusses the role of leadership and a clear vision for reform, and outlines specific strategies being used by states from low-tech solutions to higher-tech tools. This brief then explores the potential of work planning and formal memorandums of understanding (MOUs).

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Older Americans 2012: Key Indicators of Well-Being

An updated and accessible compendium of indicators, this report is drawn from official statistics about the well-being of Americans primarily age 65 and older. The document also provides a broad description of areas of well-being that are improving for older Americans and those that are not. Thirty-seven key indicators are categorized into five broad areas – population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors, and health care.

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Medicaid: Its Role Today and Under the Affordable Care Act

This article takes a look at who is covered by Medicaid and the important role that Medicaid plays in the lives of many Americans. It also examines Medicaid's role under the Affordable Care Act, how growth in per capita Medicaid spending is slower than growth in private health care spending, how Medicaid improves access to needed health care, and which groups receive the majority of Medicaid spending.

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Consensus Recommendations for the 2011 Older Americans Act Reauthorization

This document offers recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Older Americans Act (OAA) services upon its reauthorization. Recommendations are made under each Title of the Act. More general recommendations include increasing interaction and coordination with other federal programs that deliver services for older adults such as the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Senior Corps, and Adult Protective Services.

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The Older Americans Act: Saving Resources, Promoting Dignity and Independence

This Fact Sheet highlights some of the most important features of the Older Americans Act in providing quality home care. Some areas of the OAA that are covered include supportive services, nutrition services, caregiver support services, the Senior Community Service Employment Program, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program, and funding for OAA services.

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Effectiveness of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs

This report serves as a follow-up to the 1995 Institute on Medicine (IOM) report which argued for an ombudsman program to address the quality of care in long-term institutional settings. This study investigates the role and effectiveness of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (LTCOPs) in improving care. Surveys with all states/territories reveal new findings on the structure of the program in different states as well as their own perceived effectiveness. Comprehensive data and analysis.

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