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Long-Term Work Activity & Use of Employment Supports Among New Supplemental Security Income Recipients

This article, published in the Social Security Bulletin, presents long-term cumulative statistics on the extent to which individuals who began receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability payments from 1996 through 2006 found work and used SSI work incentives.The article also provides analysis on initiatives affecting SSI, including the Ticket to Work program and the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.

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Building the Business Case: Community Organizations Responding to the Changing Healthcare Environment for Aging Populations

Healthcare providers, payers, and CBOs have historically operated as separate care delivery systems in which the responsibility for communicating and sharing information among providers has been on the client. A follow up to N3C's symposium at the 2014 ASA's Aging in America conference, this brief presents insights and actionable approaches that attempt to close the gap between fragmented and patient-centered care to evolve with the market and better provide for our communities.

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Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

This Advisory Committee report is open for public review and comment until April 8, 2015. The report describes findings from the Advisory Committee's review of the scientific evidence on diet, nutrition, and health, and will help inform the next edition of the Dietary Guidelines, expected to be released by the end of 2015. The Dietary Guidelines are updated every five years and directly affect all federally-funded nutrition programs.

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2015 Red Book

The Red Book serves as a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs for educators, advocates, rehabilitation professionals, and counselors who serve people with disabilities.The book is a guide to Work Incentives and other disability-related policies and programs, like Ticket to Work.

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How Disability Beneficiaries Fared Before and After the Great Recession

The U.S. recession of the late 2000s, which began in December 2007 and officially ended in June 2009, had profound effects on the economy. This data brief describes how the employment, work expectations, and economic well-being of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries changed following the Great Recession. Authors examined changes in beneficiary employment and household income over this period compared with nonbeneficiaries.

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Recruiting, Hiring, Retaining, and Promoting People with Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Employers

This guide for employers compiles key federal and federally-funded resources related to the employment of people with disabilities. The guide outlines best practices for recruitment, retention, promotion, and provision of accommodations for employees with disabilities. The guide also includes an explanation of the legal framework of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

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Medicaid: Additional Federal Action Needed to Further Improve Third-Party Liability Efforts

This GAO report examines (1) the extent to which Medicaid enrollees have private insurance, and (2) the state and CMS initiatives to improve third-party liability (TPL). Given the findings in the report, GAO recommends that CMS routinely monitor and share information regarding key TPL efforts and challenges, as well as provide guidance on state oversight of TPL efforts conducted by Medicaid managed care plans.

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Transitioning from Medicaid Expansion Programs to Medicare: Making Sure Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries Get Financial Help

As low-income adults covered under Medicaid expansion become eligible for and transition into Medicare, these individuals will face higher cost-sharing requirements. This report describes programs and policy options that could help low-income Medicare beneficiaries.

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