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Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Health Care in Medicare Advantage

This report analyzes disparities in the care received by Medicare Advantage beneficiaries during 2015-2016. The report was compiled using information from the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and the Medicare Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey. It looks at differences in care by race, ethnicity, and gender and also isolates racial and ethnic differences experienced by women and men.

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National Beneficiary Survey: Disability Statistics, 2015

The National Beneficiary Survey (NBS) supplements the Social Security Administration's (SSA's) records by providing extensive additional data on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries’ and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients’ employment efforts. This publication released in March 2018 presents statistical information about beneficiaries and their employment experiences as gathered in the 2015 survey.

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How Did State-Run Health Insurance Marketplaces Fare in 2017?

This brief analyzes fifteen structured interviews conducted with leadership staff in states using state-based health insurance marketplaces. It explores the different actions these states may utilize to stabilize the marketplace and reduce consumer confusion in the face of uncertainty regarding federal policies.

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The Growth of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs: 2017 Update

CMS recently released a 2017 update to its 2012 MLTSS inventory, compiled by Truven Health Analytics. This study reviewed available information about the status of Medicaid MLTSS programs, and provides updates on the prevalence of MLTSS programs, total enrollment, and specific program design elements as of August 2017. The report surveys the landscape of MLTSS programs across the country, provides detailed summaries of each MLTSS program, and identifies national trends.

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MIPPA Resources

These resources are intended to be used for education and outreach to raise awareness about the availability of Medicare benefits for low-income beneficiaries, namely the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) and the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS/Extra Help) program. These outreach materials include posters to educate Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities about the low-income subsidies.

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CAHPS Home and Community-Based Services Survey: Two Technical Assistance Guides Available for Users

These two resources produced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are for users of the CAHPS® Home and Community-Based Services Survey (also known as the HCBS CAHPS Survey). These resources are intended to support states, managed care organizations, survey administrators, and data analysts.

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Evaluation of the ACL Title VI Programs: Year 1 Interim Report

In 2016, ACL's Administration on Aging contracted ICF International (ICF) to conduct a participatory evaluation of the Title VI Grant Program. This program provides home and community-based supportive services for older American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian populations. The evaluation addresses topics such as: how tribes/organizations operate their Title VI Programs; the impact of Title VI programs on elders in the community; and more.

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Brief and Interactive Map Examine Poverty Among Seniors in the U.S.

This brief and interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provide the latest national and state-level estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau of the share of people ages 65 and older who are living in poverty. These resources explore the poverty rate among seniors under the official poverty measure and the Supplemental Poverty Measure.

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The History, Evolution, and Future of Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations

This brief from the Center for Health Care Strategies discusses how accountable care organizations (ACOs) have become increasingly prevalent in the United States. This brief highlights the results of Medicaid ACO programs across the country to date, as well as key themes and lessons from these early adopters. It also examines how Medicaid ACO programs have evolved over time.

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