All States/Territories

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Older Americans Act Title III-C Nutrition Services Program: An Examination of Social Activities at Congregate Meal Sites and Their Role in Improving Socialization Outcomes of Participants

This brief is based on surveys of local service providers and participants at congregate meal sites. The brief examines whether the effect of congregate meal participation on socialization outcomes differs for participants who attend meal sites that offer social activities and those who attend meal sites that do not offer these activities.

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October 2018 Medicaid & CHIP Enrollment Data

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released their monthly report for October 2018 on Medicaid and CHIP application, eligibility determination, and enrollment data. This report includes point-in-time data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, including the number of applications submitted directly to Medicaid and CHIP agencies, the number of eligibility determinations made on these applications, and the total number of individuals enrolled in the Medicaid and CHIP programs.

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The Future of Retirement

Age Wave conducted nine recent study reports in collaboration with Bank of America Merrill Lynch on the future of retirement. These reports were created by reviewing thousands of papers, reports, and datasets, conducting over 140 expert interviews and 43 focus groups, and surveying 50,000+ respondents. The nine reports cover a variety of topics regarding retirement, including family, health, leisure, and finances. All nine reports are followed by sample media coverage.

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Older Women and Poverty

This three-part report begins with an examination of the causes of poverty for older women. It also explores the issue of intersectionality in light of disproportionate rates of poverty for both women of color and LGBTQ women. The second part of this report provides an overview of the various anti-poverty programs available for older women. Finally, the report concludes by offering specific policy recommendations for increasing older women’s economic security.

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Addressing Social Determinants of Health via Medicaid Managed Care Contracts and Section 1115 Demonstrations

This report examines 40 Medicaid managed care contracts and 25 approved Section 1115 demonstrations. It identifies common themes across state approaches to incentivizing and requiring SDOH-related activities. CHCS also provides several additional policy recommendations for bolstering SDOH investment in state Medicaid offices.

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Fiscal Survey of the States: Fall 2018

This semi-annual report analyzes the fiscal condition of the states and includes data summaries of state general fund revenues, expenditures, and balances. State fiscal conditions continue to show signs of improvement and greater stability. Fiscal 2019 is projected to be the ninth year in a row with moderate state spending and revenue growth. State general fund spending is expected to grow 4.3 percent in fiscal 2019 compared to fiscal 2018 levels.

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September 2018 Medicaid & CHIP Enrollment Data

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released their monthly report for September 2018 on Medicaid and CHIP application, eligibility determination, and enrollment data. This report includes point-in-time data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, including the number of applications submitted directly to Medicaid and CHIP agencies, the number of eligibility determinations made on these applications, and the total number of individuals enrolled in the Medicaid and CHIP programs.

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Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Resource Guide

This guide was created in conjunction with the Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Summit. The goal of the summit was to enhance the ability of elder justice professionals to respond to the unique needs of older adults residing in rural and tribal communities by sharing best practices and proposing innovative strategies to fill the identified gaps in service needs. This guide provides information and resources on the challenges rural and tribal communities face in responding to elder abuse.

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