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Performing Under Pressure: Annual Findings of a 50-State Survey of Eligibility, Enrollment, Renewal, and Cost-Sharing Policies in Medicaid and CHIP, 2011-2012

Despite continued fiscal pressures on states, eligibility policies remained stable in nearly all state Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Programs during 2011. Moreover, many states used technology to increase program efficiency and streamline enrollment. The "maintenance of eligibility" requirement in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) played a key role in preserving coverage levels. Without it, more states likely would have limited eligibility or tightened enrollment procedures.

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State of the States Survey 2011: State Aging and Disability Agencies in Times of Change

State aging & disability agencies are operating in an era of state agency reorganization, re-conceptualization of state government, & restructuring of long-term services & supports delivery systems & financing. Key elements driving continued change include the economic environment, ACA implementation, uncertainty in the federal budget particularly with the failure of the Congressional Super Committee, changes in state level leadership, & the 2012 elections.

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Home and Community-Based Service Waivers, Total Number of Medicaid 1915(c) in 2008

The latest HCBS data from The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and the University of California at San Francisco analysis of The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Form 372 have been added and are available for all states and the nation for 2008. This website allows you to do an interactive search. Review the updated topics including total HCBS waivers, participants by waiver type, home health expenditures, and personal care participants.

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Medicaid 1915(c) Waiver Expenditures: 2011 Update

This report is the latest in a series on expenditures for Medicaid waivers authorized under Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, also known as home and community-based services waivers. For the first time, the tables include state-reported data for 1915(c) waiver services provided through managed care programs that are not identifiable in the state CMS 64 reports. Thomson Reuters collected these data for FY 2008 and FY 2009.

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Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Services and Supports: 2011 Update

This document is the latest in a series of reports on Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) spending. This year’s report contains newly available data and changes in the services that are included within LTSS. The report explains the changes, summarizes the data, and describes national trends.

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Valuing the Invaluable: 2011 Update - The Growing Contributions and Costs of Family Caregiving

The estimated economic value of family caregivers’ unpaid contributions contribution was approximately $450 billion in 2009. If family caregivers were no longer available, the economic cost to the U.S. health care and long-term services and supports systems would increase astronomically. This report updates national and individual state estimates of the economic value of family care using the most current available data, and provides recommendations for taking care of the caregivers.

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Aging in Place, Stuck Without Options

By 2015, more than 15.5 million Americans 65 and older will live in communities where public transportation service is poor or non-existent. That number is expected to continue to grow rapidly as the baby boom generation “ages in place” in suburbs and exurbs with few mobility options for those who do not drive. This report ranks metro areas by the percentage of seniors with poor access to public transportation, now and in the coming years, and presents other data on aging and transportation.

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Personal Assistance Services at the Workplace - Alabama

The use of PAS as a workplace support is a relatively new innovation. Because of its newness, many persons with disabilities and employers tend to get confused about how workplace PAS is different from more standard personal assistance services or personal attendant care. The most important distinctions between PAS and Workplace PAS are related to where the services are provided and for what purpose. To learn more, explore the attached project report, brochure, and websites.

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MIG Outreach Materials - Alabama

How is the state of Alabama reaching out to consumers and employers with important information regarding help for persons with disabilities who want to work or return to work? To find out, explore several examples of state-wide outreach: two newsletters put out by "BamaWorks", Alabama's MIG program, a brochure, and a website. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide outreach for their own MIG programs.

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Dual Eligibles: Medicaid Enrollment and Spending for Medicare Beneficiaries in 2007

This report provides the latest national and state data on enrollment and spending for individuals enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare, also known as dual eligibles. There were about 8.9 million dual eligibles in 2007. Dual eligibles are among the sickest and poorest individuals covered by either program. Although they comprised 15% of Medicaid enrollment, dual eligibles accounted for 39% ($121 billion) of Medicaid spending for medical services & for more than a quarter of Medicare spending.

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