Truven Health Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters)

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Community Choice Initiative

This document describes Community Choice, New Jersey’s permanent, state-operated nursing facility transition program. The program provides information about nursing home alternatives and assistance moving from nursing facilities. This program’s implementation and impact are illustrated in this document.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Colorado- Hospital Discharge Fast Track

This document describes Colorado’s Fast Track program, which aims to improve access to home and community-based services after a hospital discharge. In this program, staff work to facilitate quick eligibility determination for hospital patients who need long-term care after discharge. The program seeks to decrease unnecessary nursing home admittance. The implementation and impact of this program are described in the document.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Washington- Supporting Family Caregivers in Ethnic Minority Communities

This report describes the State of Washington’s program to increase the support of family caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s disease in ethnically diverse communities. The program includes outreach, education, and culturally sensitive assessment. The implementation and impact are described in this report.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Washington- State Sponsored Endowed Trust Fund

This report describes the State of Washington’s plan to allow families to create a trust fund for people with disabilities without effecting eligibility. This program matches 25% of private contributions and eliminates fees to encourage participation. This document describes the program implementation.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Utah- Family-Directed Support Network for Families of People with Disabilities

The Utah Family Council is a non-profit organization that provides support to all families of people with disabilities, regardless of whether they receive public funding. This document describes this program, which uses funding from the Self-Determination Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to increase availability. The report describes the program and its implementation.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Statewide Respite Care Services

This report briefly describes the New Jersey Statewide Respite Care Program. The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) administers a state-funded, Statewide Respite Care Program providing a wide variety of services to relieve unpaid, informal caregivers from the stress of caring for older people and/or people with disabilities. The respite program customizes services to the person and the caregiver, with a focus on alleviating caregiver stress.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Massachusetts-Facilitating Culturally Competent Self-Determination

This report documents the State of Massachusetts’ community governing boards. These boards were established to manage service delivery as a part of a self-determination initiative for people with developmental disabilities. The governing boards – elected by people with disabilities and their families – reflect Boston’s ethnic neighborhoods and serve people with similar ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

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The Personal Assistance Services and Direct-Support Workforce: A Literature Review

Millions of Americans with disabilities or long-term illnesses need assistance with daily activities. Family members and friends fill much of that need, but paid workers are a critical source of care and services. The need for assistance is increasing yet the number of people available is growing slowly. CMS funded this paper to summarize literature and research on the home care, home health, and personal assistance services workforce, highlighting issues raised and lessons learned.

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