The Lewin Group

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Emergency Preparedness: An Overview for Aging and Disability Resource Centers

What are the specialized needs of seniors, people with disabilities and individuals with mental illness during emergencies? This brief describes how ADRCs can assist consumers before, during and after crisis situations. Although numerous federal, state and local agencies are involved in emergency activities, this issue brief focuses on the key roles of ADRCs in emergency planning, response and recovery.

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Public-Private Partnerships: Case Studies

Because effective partnership is a cornerstone of successful ADRC program development and ongoing operations, the Lewin Group has completed several aging and disability case studies on existing successful public-private partnerships. The case studies describe the approach, implementation, and outcomes of each partnership as well as reported “lessons learned.”

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ADRC-TAE Selected Measures of Streamlining and Access Overview

How many hoops does a consumer have to jump through to receive services? The goal of service delivery for ADRC is seamless entry into long term supports for consumers. This document outlines basic indicators of streamlining access by looking at different aspects of the process. The Measures Matrix will utilze the Evaluation Plan Highlights document also attached.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Electronic Kiosks

One challenge many ADRCs face is how to provide services over large geographic areas with small numbers of staff. Several states have chosen to use kiosks as part of their outreach and marketing or information and referral components. This issue brief explores kiosks in use by ADRC grantees and other organizations and discusses considerations in designing accessible kiosks.

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TAE Issue Brief - Long Term Support for Individuals with Disabilities

This brief provides background information on characteristics of the MR/DD population and describes the major information and service needs of the MR/DD population and the existing supports and services system. The brief also addresses implications for grantees serving this population and provides additional resources to facilitate ADRC planning and operations.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Portable Technology

How are ADRCs and other non-profits using mobile technology? For staff who spend time traveling to clients homes and providing services in a non-office setting, portable information is a must. This issue brief provides some basic information about the most common forms of mobile technology and some issues to consider before adopting portable equipment as a service delivery tool. Also included are the ways information is accessed, collecting client data plus the approaches used by other states.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Pilot Sites List

The new list of all ADRC pilot sites has been developed as a consumer contact information sheet. The matrix includes the pilot name and geographic area served in addition to the appropriate phone contact and website (if applicable) for use by consumers seeking the assistance of ADRC programs and others interested in the initiative.

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TAE Issue Brief: Relevance of Health Literacy

Health literacy can be defined as “the degree to which people can obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions. Awareness that people with low health literacy skills face difficulties accessing and navigating the health care system has prompted greater emphasis on making communications clear and easy-to-read. This issue brief offers recommendations and resources particularly for resource centers.

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