Grantee produced

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Quality Mall

The Quality Mall is \"a place where you can find lots of free information about person-centered supports for people with developmental disabilities. Each of the Mall stores has departments you can look through to learn about positive practices that help people with developmental disabilities live, work and participate in our communities and improve the quality of their supports.\"

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Moving Home: A Resource Guide for Leaving a Nursing Facility and Successfully Returning to Living Independently in the Community

This resource guide has been developed to assist Maryland residents of a nursing home to have a successful return to living in the community. The guide includes information on many services including: peer counseling, housing, and money management.

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Wisconsin Family Care Implementation Process Evaluation Report

This report is focused on the status of Family Care implementation in WI. It contains background information on the Family Care program, as well as evaluative information on the development of each pilot project. The report also contains a glossary of terms and a research methodology section that demonstrates the contacts made by The Lewin Group in the five pilot counties—Fond du Lac, La Crosse, Milwaukee, Portage and Richland—in order to assess the current status of the Family Care program.

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Counseling/Fiscal Agent Initial Readiness Review Manual

Initial Readiness Review for Counseling/Fiscal Agent in Arkansas Cash and Counseling Demonstration. The purpose of the CFA Initial Readiness Review is to determine whether the vendor selected by the Division has developed and implemented the systems and policies and procedures necessary to act as a CFA in accordance with the provision of the State’s RFP and the CFA contract.

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