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2008 Reinventing Quality Conference – Presentation Materials

This annual conference focuses on quality of services for people with developmental disabilities. Held Aug. 10-12 in Baltimore, this year’s conference featured agencies that have implemented person-centered planning and individualized support structures. One highlight was individuals who have developed their own micro-enterprises. In addition, innovations in policies, systems issues, and quality assurance methodologies were presented.

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Family Care Self-Directed Supports – Wisconsin

Wisconsin used MIG funds to increase self-directed supports within a managed care framework in their state. Find here a set of policy recommendations used for setting the stage for this effort as well as a qualitative study outlining the implementation process. There are also several presentations focused on training support workers to understand and facilitate self-direction, using Cash & Counseling to support employment, and helping people with traumatic brain injuries return to work.

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Self-Determination and Revitalization of Integrated Employment - Wisconsin

Wisconsin uses MIG funds to increase integrated employment using strategies such as vocational planning, peer support, social enterprises, and self-employment. The first resource here presents best practices in integrated employment from 23 states. The rest are manuals and training materials for replicating vocational planning, social enterprise, and self-employment programs.

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Sensory Impairments: Employer Resources – Wisconsin

Wisconsin developed this project to improve work opportunities for students with sensory impairments by educating employers. The first document is a resource guide on low-cost workplace accommodations, with a focus on assistive technology. The second presents the findings of a statewide employer survey on accommodations and trainings used. The final document is the year-end MIG report for the project.

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