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Supported Employment Pre-Service Training - Florida

How is the state of Florida educating Supported Employment providers on the history of Supported Employment, important rules and regulations, and important skills needed in this field? Attached is just one example. Explore this Supported Employment Pre-Service Training Instructor’s Guide for a mandatory 12 hour training held for all providers to learn more about how these individuals are being prepared to provide these needed services. May be replicable by other states with similar programs.

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Connecting Employers and People With Disabilities - Connecticut

How is the state of Connecticut providing recognition for employers who effectively recruit and retain individuals with disabilities? This article, put out by DiversityInc, is one example. Within this article, find a replicable format for acknowledging exemplary leadership and dedication by companies in hiring and promoting people with disabilities. Also, they have an alert system that informs readers when new articles are available.

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Data Use Toolkit: A District Facilitator's Guide for Examining Local Post-School Outcomes - Connecticut

The National Post-School Outcomes Center (NPSO) developed a toolkit to assist States and local education agencies, their stakeholders, and partners in using post-school outcome data to improve programs for youth with disabilities. The Data Use Toolkit consists of two components: preparing and sharing post-school outcomes data and examining local post-school data. Explore this guide for facilitators to learn more.

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Supported Employment Pre-Service Training Instructor’s Guide

This guide, developed by the Florida MIG program, provides an outline of the most important areas to remember when delivering an effective two-day training seminar. Sections include introduction to Supported Employment, laws and regulations, marketing and teaching adults. Also included are examples and handouts on resumes and job seekers profiles.

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Supporting Work: A Proposal for Modernizing the U.S. Disability Insurance System - California

When Congress created SSDI in 1956, disability and employability were viewed as mutually exclusive states. As a result, the 1956 law defines disability as the “inability to engage in a substantial gainful activity in the U.S. economy”—in other words, the inability to work. This proposal would assist workers with work-limiting disabilities to remain in their current jobs or to transition to more suitable jobs and would assist employers to accommodate workers to perform their jobs.

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Resources for Youth in Transition - California

How is California helping youths with disabilities to connect with needed supports and services as they transition to work or postsecondary education? Explore several presentations and toolkits put out by the California Health Incentives Improvement Project (CHIIP) that aim to facilitate the transition process for these youth. May be replicable by other states seeking to assist similar populations.

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California Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities

How does the state of California help their youth with disabilities to reach their future education and career goals? The Youth Leadership Forum is a five day program that provides information on everything from technology to resource agencies, and helps participants to create a "Personal Leadership Plan" and interact with leaders in the State and Nation. To learn more, explore their website and workbooks for facilitators and students.

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Yo! Disabled and Proud Website- California

Youth with disabilities experience an extreme sense of social isolation, which comes out of not sharing a collective disability identity, and disability pride. YO! will assist youth with disabilities to learn about the disability rights movement, disability history, disability pride, disability organizing and advocacy. To learn more, explore the attached website and outreach material.

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Working with Disabilities Articles - Arkansas

How is the state of Arkansas educating its consumers with disabilities and employers on important issues such as how to maintain your health benefits and work and why employing individuals with disabilities is a smart business choice? Attached are two examples of articles in the state that provide information. This entry serves as a good example for other states wanting to enhance their MIG outreach materials.

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