Grantee produced

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ServiceLink Resource Center Materials - New Hampshire

The cornerstone of NH’s systems change efforts has been the development of the statewide SLRC network. Find the state’s RFP seeking vendors to operate centers, job description and standards of practice for long term support counselor, a guide produced to help consumers learn about eligibility, and resources from NH’s Choices for Independence Program.

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Transforming Lives through Culinary Training - New Hampshire

Looking for an example of a business model that incorporates the recruitment, employment and training of those with disabilities? First Course is an intensive culinary training program in Keene, New Hampshire. Their curriculum is designed to provide individuals with a solid foundation in the food service and hospitality industry. A link to their website, a list of food service jobs and tasks, along with the Professional Development Plan and Student Performance Log forms, are provided here.

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Training For The Support of Employees With Disabilities - New Hampshire

How has New Hampshire used its MIG funds to support the career goals of individuals with disabilities? One approach was to develop training tools for job developers and administrative staff who are interested in hiring, training and supporting employees with disabilities. The following examples include a survey, staff certification information and a brochure for a series of workshops. These are available here for other states who have, or are interested in implementing similar programs.

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Granite State Employment Project - New Hampshire

Since 2001 the State of New Hampshire has utilized MIG funds to improve its infrastructure for providing employment supports to its citizens with disabilities. Through this grant, New Hampshire has built a comprehensive strategic plan to address systemic barriers to creating a lasting transformation of its service system. The Granite State Employment Project(GSEP) and its subsequent evaluations, could serve as a valuable resource for other states. Both are available for download here.

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Disability Awareness Month – Nevada

How is Nevada using its’ MIG grant to get the word out about Disability Employment Issues? One way, is by holding events to celebrate Disability Awareness Month. During October, Nevada held a Disability Employment/Education Fair for local businesses & community agencies. The marketing materials for this fair, available here, include announcements, flyers, a sample invitation and "Ability Link," the Nevada Business Leadership Network newsletter with the months’ highlighted events.

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Employing People with Disabilities – Montana

How can employers attract and retain employees with disabilities? This and other issues having to do with disabled workers are addressed in a brochure sent to Montana employers. This tool includes a self assessment questioner about workplace disability practices, a letter from the governor, a myths and facts section, and resources for more information. While this is meant for Montana residents, this could serve as a template for other states interested in employing more people with disabilities.

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Benefits Planning Workshop - Hawaii

Hawaii’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant held a benefits planning workshop in 2008 to inform the community about ways for disability beneficiaries to return to work. Case managers, consumers and benefits planners were invited to attend. At the conclusion, they were asked to rate their satisfaction with the overall workshop and with each session. The agenda and satisfaction results are presented here. It’s data that could prove helpful to any state interested in planning successful workshops.

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