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Affordable Housing Fund – North Dakota

How are states getting support for the establishment of proposed funds? North Dakota created a proposal, fact sheet, alliance members list, a planning meeting invitation and a guide for the development of a letter of support for the establishment of a state-wide affordable housing fund to assist communities with their unmet housing needs. Samples of these documents are attached and could be helpful for other states looking for ideas to do the same.

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MIG Grant Newsletter – North Dakota

Keeping everyone informed about MIG grant program policies and developments is important in keeping the programs running effectively. North Dakota created a monthly newsletter to do just this. Whether its answering frequently asked questions or listing upcoming events, ND’s Benefits Planning Network newsletter is a helpful and timely communications tool. Attached are three samples of the Newsletters, which could serve as a good example to other states planning their own.

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Improving Community Employment Pilot Project – Ohio

How are states implementing proposed transition pilot projects? Ohio created application materials for school districts interested in becoming one of two Regional Transition Pilot Projects. These projects would participate in developing and implementing an inter-agency transition planning and support project for transition-age youth with disabilities. A sample of the application materials are attached and could be a helpful guide to other states instituting pilot projects.

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Personal Assistance Services Brochure – South Dakota

Do you need personal assistance services at your workplace? Personal assistance services can be a big incentive for people with disabilities who want to work, and for those whose employers do not supply their own. South Dakota created the attached brochure explaining eligibility and services to consumers. This sample could be useful to MIG grantees interested in personal assistance services.

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Fact Sheets for Consumers – South Dakota

How are states getting the facts out to consumers about their MIG program? South Dakota is providing readers with information about SSA Work Incentives, Taxes, Medicaid Buy In, Self Employment, Asset Development, Looking for a Job, Knowing Your Rights, and the Ticket To Work Program through fact sheets that outline the program and resources. Samples are attached and could serve as a guide to other MIG grantees.

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Spanish Training Manual - Michigan

What are states doing to address language barriers in implementing their MIG programs? The state of Michigan created a Supported Self-Employment Training Manual in Spanish that extensively covers the history, details and resources of their program. This manual also includes forms in Spanish. It is available for download and could serve as a helpful template or outline for other MIG states.

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Employment Workgroup - Rhode Island

As part of its MIG grant, Rhode Island’s Executive Office of Health & Human Services members were asked to join at least one of six workgroups. This paper is the culmination of the work performed and the recommendations of the committed group of individuals who are the Global Waiver Task Force Employment Workgroup. Seven corresponding attachments are also attached. These samples could be helpful to other MIG grantees or states looking to start a program of their own.

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Profile of Dual Eligible Beneficiaries - Rhode Island

How do dually eligible beneficiaries affect state MIG grant programs? Rhode Island and the University of RI, College of Pharmacy produced a chart book which highlights demographics, healthcare services, expenditures and the variation in cost by settings of care for seniors and people with disabilities who were enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid between 1995-2005. Objectives and findings are included. An sample of this book is attached and could be helpful to other MIG grantees.

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The Sherlock Plan - Rhode Island

The Sherlock Plan is the name of Rhode Island’s MIG program. It allows qualified working people with disabilities to earn more income without the risk of losing vital health care coverage. To inform consumers about the program, they have provided a plan overview, fact sheets in Spanish and English, and more information on their "Rhodes to Independence" website. Samples of these documents and a link to the site are available.

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