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Social Marketing Tools - Maine

How can states incorporate social networking sites into their marketing? To engage business partners in new ways, the Maine MIG project built information/networking sites on FaceBook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The first use of these sites was to generate interest in their Fall Business Conference. These sites will also be used to engage business in other ways, provide information and interaction on many issues related to employment and disability. It is a model that could be useful to other states.

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Work Incentives Planning and Assistance - Maine

How are states getting the word out about benefits counseling? The state of Maine created a 'Work Incentives Planning and Assistance' website that has information about free services and eligibility, referral forms that can be printed and mailed to get an appointment, an online request-for-services form, materials for referring agencies, and resources for people with disabilities returning to work. A link to this page is available and could be a useful model for other MIG states.

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Working Together e-News - Maine

Looking for sample e-newsletters funded by the MIG grant and geared towards employing people with disabilities? The state of Maine created 'Working Together e-News' as a way of providing timely, relevant, business-oriented information and updates for employers that are interested in diversifying Maine's workforce. An archive of these newsletters are provided on their website and could serve as an example to other states considering a newsletter sponsorship model.

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New York Makes Work Pay Strategic Plan - New York

Looking for a sample strategic MIG plan? Through the NYS Strategic Plan, the MISCC Employment committee and New York Makes Work Pay team have developed and implemented a set of cross-systems strategic recommendations to close the employment gap through executive, legislative and budgetary action. Find the Strategic Plan, as well as a link to the New York Makes Work Pay website.

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Online Tutorials for Employers and Service Providers - New York

How are online training resources helping New York employers and disability service providers build more powerful strategies, practices and partnerships for disability inclusive workplaces? New York's MIG program, New York Makes Work Pay, provides online tutorials on their website for employers and service providers. This approach could serve as a useful sample to other states.

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VDHS Care Consultant Training on Budget Based Participant-Direction - Washington

Review a presentation developed for a training session for AAA-based Care Consultants with the Washington Veteran Directed Home Services program. It provides an overview of participant direction, and detailed instructions for care consultation including enrollment, assessment, creation of the the Participant Spending Plan, financial management services, and ongoing coaching and support for the participant. Slides also address myths and concerns associated with the change to traditional services.

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Veterans Independence Program Resources – Southern Maine

Are you looking to develop resources for a Veteran-directed HCBS program? Find materials developed for Southern Maine’s program, including a marketing brochure, a detailed guidebook defining concepts such as self-direction and financial services, forms and instructions for emergency backup, safety and prevention strategies, care plan development and budget worksheets, and detailed information and forms to help veterans in their role as an employer.

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Mapping Your Path to Work Guides – New York

Looking for samples of MIG program training materials for consumers? The state of New York created a series of informative guides to educate New Yorkers with disabilities about their programs. These reports cover areas such as the earned income tax credit, how to build assets with a plan for achieving self support, and the impact of earnings on supplemental security income benefits. Samples are attached and could serve as guides to other states looking for clear, well designed models.

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A ‘Primer’ on The StartUP New York 4-Phase Entrepreneurship Model - New York

The US Department of Labor sponsored three national demonstration projects to research effective policies and practices that improve self-employment outcomes for people with disabilities. These projects represented a diversity of locations, economic environments and stakeholder groups, and resulted in new knowledge as well as local policy and program improvements that will help individuals achieve their entrepreneurship career goals. The projects are described in the attached report.

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Employer Briefs - New York

How is New York's MIG program helping train employers about the benefits of hiring disabled employees? New York created Employer Briefs. Examining effective business practices for improving the bottom line of organizations, such as recruiting and retaining a productive workforce is the basis of Employer Brief One. Employer Brief Two covers six action steps companies can take to create a more inclusive, productive workforce. Samples are attached, which could be useful to other MIG states.

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