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Non-Elderly Disabled Category 2 Housing Choice Voucher Program: An Implementation and Impact Analysis

The Non-Elderly Disabled Category 2 (NED2) Housing Choice Voucher Program aimed to increase access to affordable housing for non-elderly people (age 62 and under) with disabilities currently residing in institutions, such as a nursing home. This evaluation examined the program's implementation in a subset of communities that received NED2 vouchers and estimated the impact of the program on the change in the rate of community transitions among the eligible population.

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Medicaid-Financed Institutional Services: Characteristics of Nursing Home and ICF/IID Residents and Their Patterns of Care

Despite states' rebalance of long-term care (LTC) systems with greater emphasis on home and community-based services (HCBS), many low-income elderly, persons with physical disabilities, and persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities continue to reside in institutions. Through an analysis of Medicaid enrollment and LTC claims data, this report provides information on the characteristics of institutionalized enrollees, their stays, and the interaction of institutional services and HCBS.

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Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Psychiatric Disorders and Other Disabilities

To answer questions on what services and barriers people with psychiatric disorders face, the authors conducted two targeted literature reviews: (1) employment programs and outcomes for people with psychiatric disorders; and (2) employment programs for people with other disabilities. The authors also examined literature and policy documents that outlined funding options for employment services for people with psychiatric disorders and other disabilities.

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Factors Predicting Transitions from Medicare-Only to Medicare-Medicaid Enrollee Status

This study focuses on understanding the rates and patterns of enrollment in Medicaid among individuals already enrolled in Medicare, the factors that predict this transition to dual coverage, and those that predict nursing home entry. This volume provides estimated econometric models that predict beneficiaries' enrollment in Medicaid, and their entry into long-term nursing home stays.

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Effect of PACE on Costs, Nursing Home Admissions, and Mortality: 2006-2011

This report developed new estimates of the program's effects for Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) enrollees in eight states based on more recent data. PACE plans provide coordinated acute and long-term care services to nursing home eligible seniors residing in the community.

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An Investigation of Interstate Variation in Medicaid Long-Term Care Use and Expenditures Across 40 States in 2006

Shifting the balance in publicly-funded long-term care provision away from institutional care toward greater reliance on home and community-based services has been a federal goal for the past three decades -- a goal often referred to as "re-balancing" state LTC systems. This report explores inter-state variations in LTC expenditure and service use patterns, in terms of institutional and non-institutional services, and also by Medicaid LTC users' age and type of disability.

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Evaluating PACE: A Review of the Literature

This report brings together available evidence on the effect of PACE on several key outcomes: Medicare and Medicaid costs, hospital and nursing home utilization, quality of care, satisfaction and quality of life, and mortality. The authors summarize findings from past studies and assess their methodological approach. They improve on these earlier evaluations by conducting a more detailed review of the studies, as well as a more rigorous assessment of the quality of evidence presented in each.

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Completing the Picture: Key Features of the Social Security Disability Insurance Program

In this brief, the authors summarize key features of the Social Security Disability Insurance program and describe some of the salient issues policymakers will need to consider to address the projected depletion of the SSDI Trust Fund in 2016. They also discuss the eligibility criteria for the program, benefit levels, and beneficiaries' ability to work.

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Examination Of Texas Rider 37: A Medicaid “Money Follows The Person” Long-Term Care Initiative

This report provides a brief overview of a research study and its methods for both the field research and the quantitative analyses of the Texas Rider 37 program. The authors then present findings and observations from the qualitative study and quantitative analyses relevant to specific research questions. The report concludes with a summary of the findings.

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