Administration on Aging

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant Program- Fiscal Year 2005 Awards

On August 18, 2005 CMS Administrator Mark B. McClellan, and Administration on Aging Assistant Secretary Josefina Carbonell announced $15 million in grants to 19 states to create a single source of information and assistance for families navigating the often confusing array of long-term care services. Part of the New Freedom Initiative, the ADRC grants are jointly administered by CMS and HHS’ Administration on Aging. A complete list of grantees and award amounts are included in the press release.

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Creating More Balanced Long Term Care Systems

Case Studies on the Role of the National Aging Services Network-- These case studies highlight 14 state or community programs whose innovations have strengthened local options for older Americans. The sites were selected with valuable input from a Technical Advisory Group, the Administration on Aging, and feedback from the states themselves. This report is one of 5 in a series called Case Studies from the Aging Network: Health and Social Support Systems Integration.

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Consumer-Directed Options

In consumer-directed care, few state aging networks have been more involved than Vermont. For the past 20 years, Vermont has undertaken considerable effort developing its consumer-directed approach to health and long-term care, including significant supports to consumers and their families who choose to participate in consumer-directed programs. This report is one of 5 in a series called Case Studies from the Aging Network: Health and Social Support Systems Integration.

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Redirecting Public Long-Term Care Resources

This report reviews the initiatives of five states and highlights ongoing efforts to create a more balanced financing and delivery system. A table summarizes the home and community-based services system in each of the states. The case studies suggest at least five key issues for other states, Area Agencies on Aging, providers and consumers that are interested in reform. This report is one of 5 in a series called Case Studies from the Aging Network: Health and Social Support Systems Integration.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Initiative: Streamlining Access to Long Term Care

This presentation from the November 2004 Gerontological Society of America Conference discusses how the ADRC Iniative will develop a national framework for and implement a single point of entry system in states that will help streamline access to long-term care.

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Simplifying Access: Collaboration between State Aging and Medicaid Officials

Slides for conference call on collaboration between aging services and Medicaid. Presented by Glenn Stanton of CMS and John Wren of AoA, February 24, 2004. Topics: Promoting Balance in Long Term Care, ADRC Goals, ADRC – A Priority for CMS, State Agency Partnership, AoA’s Vision for Long Term Care.

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