National Council on Disability (NCD)

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Has the Promise Been Kept? Federal Enforcement of Disability Rights Laws

This report assesses the degree to which the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U.S. Access Board have addressed the recommendations issued in the 2000 NCD report, "Promises to Keep: A Decade of Federal Enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act". NCD also uses the framework developed in this previous report to evaluate how various agencies implement and enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act and other federal disability rights laws and programs.

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National Disability Employment Policy, From the New Deal to the Real Deal: Joining the Industries of the Future

This report is a follow-up to NCD's 2012 report discussing Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This 2018 report assesses the status of Section 14(c) employment, explores trends regarding American workers with disabilities being paid below minimum wage, and highlights recent policy changes impacting this employment model. NCD also makes recommendations for building capacity for supported employment services and changing pay structures.

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