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Analysis of State Efforts to Comply with Fair Labor Standards Act Protections to Home Care Workers

This report looks at the changes states implemented to their Medicaid or other publicly-funded consumer directed home care programs in order to comply with the 2013 FLSA Home Care Rule. The report includes perspectives from various stakeholders and describes issues raised in interviews. It provides an overview of early implementation efforts, an environmental scan of state policies and procedures, and a case study examination of states with well-documented hardship exceptions.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71892

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Public Financing Of Home And Community Services For Children And Youth With Serious Emotional Disturbances: Selected State Strategies

This report describes important system-of-care principles that have shaped the services for youth with SEDs, the role of the various agencies and the financing used by many states. It identifies and critiques four financing mechanisms: HCBS waivers, the Medicaid rehabilitation option, case rates for high risk populations, and provisions in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA). The paper ends with a synthesis of research questions and implications for legislative efforts.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51000

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