Community Living Policy Center

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Reducing Costs for Families and States by Increasing Access to Home and Community-Based Services

The majority of individuals who need long-term services and supports (LTSS) in the United States rely on unpaid assistance from family and friends. The economic value of the unpaid care they provide is estimated to be over $470 billion annually. Unmet needs and waiting lists for Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) place significant strain on individuals with disabilities and their families. This report explores how increasing access to HCBS services can reduce out-of-pocket costs for families and strengthen employment and financial wellbeing of family caregivers.

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Short-Term Money Follows the Person Extensions Resulted in a Significant Drop in State Efforts to Transition People Out of Institutions

The Community Living Policy Center (CLPC) released a brief describing how short-term extensions of the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program have curtailed state efforts in transitioning individuals out of institutions. The CLPC based their findings on CMS data on annual transitions in each state.

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Driverless Cars and Accessibility – Designing the Future of Transportation for People with Disabilities

This report highlights the potentially transformational power of autonomous vehicles (AVs). AVs have the opportunity to significantly benefit individuals with disabilities, but only if automakers work to ensure accessible design. The report states that key partners must work together on universal design now so that AVs can be developed to meet every potential driver's needs from the beginning, including wheelchair users.

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