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Achieving Value in Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Care: Considerations for Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs

Medicaid value-based payment (VBP) models tie payment to outcomes including quality of care, health status, and costs. This guide outlines considerations for adopting value-based payment (VBP) to promote high-quality MLTSS programs. It combines insights from five states - Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia - with input from national health policy experts.

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Data Support Considerations in Medicaid Accountable Care Organization Programs

This technical assistance brief outlines the specifics of Medicaid accountable care organizations' (ACOs') data needs and explores how states can effectively provide data to organizations participating in ACOs. The brief breaks down data support into three categories: Patient Attribution, Cost and Quality Performance, and Care Management Information. It also discusses various lessons and challenges with data support, including time lag, provider readiness, and regulations in conflict.

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Opportunities to Enhance Community-Based Medication Management Strategies for People with Complex Health and Social Needs

The Center for Health Care Strategies released a new report on promising community-based medication management strategies. Many Americans have complicated drug regimens which can be difficult to manage and may result in unintended medication errors. This paper is based off of literature reviews and interviews and discusses opportunities for enhanced community management of medication complexity.

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Promoting Better Health Beyond Health Care

As part of their Better Health Beyond Health Care initiative, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) conducted a national analysis on innovative ways to promote health. This report discusses the resulting findings and summarizes information from thirty key informant interviews representing programs in 19 states and a small group convening. It explores ways collaboration and cross-sector partnerships can help promote population health and improve outcomes.

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Demonstrating the Value of Medicaid MLTSS Programs

In recognition of a lack of reliable and robust information on the value of state managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) nationally, this report aims to partially fill the gap with data and evidence from a survey of state agencies and a review of relevant outside research, and to also serve as a jumping off point for future study.

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State Insights on Refining Integrated Care for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries

This new brief, made possible by The Commonwealth Fund and The SCAN Foundation, highlights insights from states that are fine-tuning their integrated care programs. Formal evaluations of some integrated care programs are underway; however, until these results become available, the refinements made by states described in the brief -- all participants in the Implementing New Systems of Integration for Dually Eligible Enrollees (INSIDE) project.

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State Insights on Refining Integrated Care for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) recently released a brief called State Insights on Refining Integrated Care for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries, which highlights perspectives on the 14 states participating in CHCS' Implementing New Systems of Integration for Dually Eligible Enrollees (INSIDE) project. The report notes five key program improvements for states looking to enhance their care integration models.

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State Trends in the Delivery of Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports

On Wednesday, July 20, 2016, the Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. (CHCS) published a new brief, “State Trends in the Delivery of Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports.” With support from The SCAN Foundation, seven states (Arizona, California, Kansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Texas) were selected to provide insights into current trends in both managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) program refinement and long term services and supports (LTSS) system reform.

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ACAP Medicare-Medicaid Plans and the Financial Alignment Demonstrations

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) published their report, “ACAP Medicare-Medicaid Plans and the Financial Alignment Demonstrations: Innovations and Lessons”, that was prepared for the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP). The report examines the experiences of 14 ACAP plans that are participating in capitated model demonstrations for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) Financial Alignment Initiative.

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