Administration for Community Living

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Annual Report on Centers for Independent Living - Program Year 2019

ACL recently released the Annual Report on Centers for Independent Living for program year (PY) 2019. CILs offer support for individuals with disabilities who want to live independently in their communities. The CIL program provides financial assistance to local CILs and other CBOs. This annual report includes data from CIL annual program performance reports, federal program staff oversight and compliance activities and publicly available information on grantee websites between 9/30/18 - 9/29/19

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Older Americans Act COVID-19 Guidance: Comprehensive Guidance Reference

The Administration for Community Living compiled all of the OAA COVID-19 guidance into one, comprehensive guide. This reference guide includes information on disaster declarations, as well as guidance for nutrition, ombudsman, elder justice, and other supportive services programs. Information on fiscal guidance and reporting requirements are also included. Additionally, questions and answers from all-state calls have been added to the reference guide.

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National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System FFY 2016 Report 1.2: Agency Component

This report is the first in a series of three total Year 1 reports from NAMRS. It provides a general overview of the operating procedures of state Adult Protective Services agencies. While this report focuses on the hard data provided by states, future reports will discuss the narrative data also submitted by states. NAMRS has also released a background report summarizing the purpose and process of their national data collection system, as well as reference appendices A-C.

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Evaluation of the ACL Title VI Programs: Year 1 Interim Report

In 2016, ACL's Administration on Aging contracted ICF International (ICF) to conduct a participatory evaluation of the Title VI Grant Program. This program provides home and community-based supportive services for older American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian populations. The evaluation addresses topics such as: how tribes/organizations operate their Title VI Programs; the impact of Title VI programs on elders in the community; and more.

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The Opioid Public Health Emergency and Older Adults

Older adults are affected by the opioid public health emergency because they often use prescription opioids to cope with painful chronic conditions or procedures. This issue briefing provides a summary about the problem, treatments, federal strategies to address the crisis, and funding and programs that are addressing this issue. The briefing also highlights innovative programs to address the opioid public health emergency in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and New Hampshire.

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Ensuring Beneficiary Health and Safety in Group Homes Through State Implementation of Comprehensive Compliance Oversight

The Administration for Community Living (ACL), joined the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the HHS Office of Civil Rights to produce a report on ensuring beneficiary health and safety in group homes through state implementation of comprehensive compliance oversight. This report serves as a resource for states to use as a part of efforts to ensure that all group homes are safe and healthy places for people with disabilities.

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