Ticket to Work

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Spanish Training Manual - Michigan

What are states doing to address language barriers in implementing their MIG programs? The state of Michigan created a Supported Self-Employment Training Manual in Spanish that extensively covers the history, details and resources of their program. This manual also includes forms in Spanish. It is available for download and could serve as a helpful template or outline for other MIG states.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52503

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Works For Me – Pennsylvania

How is Pennsylvania marketing its MIG program called "Works for Me"? In October 2009, the Works For Me website went live, as did their billboards, TV ads and a direct mail campaign. Attached is a link to the website for this program which offers an audio version of each web page, sample newsletters, brochure, and billboard artwork. These samples could be useful to other states starting a MIG program of their own and/or interested in creating cohesive marketing campaigns.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52502

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The Sherlock Plan - Rhode Island

The Sherlock Plan is the name of Rhode Island’s MIG program. It allows qualified working people with disabilities to earn more income without the risk of losing vital health care coverage. To inform consumers about the program, they have provided a plan overview, fact sheets in Spanish and English, and more information on their "Rhodes to Independence" website. Samples of these documents and a link to the site are available.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52499

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Employing and Retaining Individuals with Disabilities - Utah

Providing employers with the resources to make hiring and retaining employees with disabilities a more common practice is one approach Utah is taking to ensure more successful programs. The attached presentation to employers was given at a semi-annual Employer Workshop, to provide information and support to employers about hiring and retaining employees with disabilities. It includes information, success stories and resources. It is an approach that could be useful to other MIG states.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52496

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Employers, Educators and Vocational Rehabilitation – Utah

How is Utah involving employers and educators in vocational rehabilitation? This pilot is meant to establish a relationship between business and education, providing skill training in resume writing, interviewing, applications, job shadowing and job sampling. This presentation is part of this effort and could be useful to other MIG states wishing to do the same.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52476

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Employer Survey Report - Vermont

Assessing customer satisfaction, awareness and interest in VR services among the broader business community is important when determining the success of a MIG program. Vermont’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation conducted an employer survey to address these questions. The draft of the report, and a PowerPoint presentation outlining the results of the survey are provided and could be helpful to other MIG states looking into accessing their programs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52475

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Creative Workforce Solutions - Vermont

How can states make the employment of people with disabilities easier and more desirable to local business? As part of their MIG grant, Vermont has created Creative Workforce Solutions, a website designed to give employers information and support on hiring individuals with disabilities. Designed with the look and feel of a more standard employment site rather than that of a government program, it provides many useful resources and information to employers, including consulting services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52474

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Everyone Can Work – West Virginia

Where can I find employment resources, both nationally and locally? West Virginia's seeks to answer just that with a 50 page handbook full of programs and a description of resources. With an introduction covering the Americans with Disabilities Act, the handbook goes on to cover federal programs, programs specific to West Virginia, online resources, national organizations, self-employment and small business, and more. A sample copy is available below and could be helpful to other MIG grantees.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52466

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Disability Benefits 101 Report – California

How is California keeping track of its MIG program? In the attached annual and quarterly reports California outlines its accomplishments and upcoming projects for 2009. HTML links to samples are also included in the reports. These documents could serve as a guide to other MIG grantees, or to states looking to start a MIG program of their own.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52460

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Project SEARCH: Opening Doors to Employment for Young People with Disabilities

Is Project SEARCH an effective model for increasing employment among students with significant disabilities? This brief considers this work immersion model designed to help students with significant disabilities transition from school to work. Findings suggest that the model presents a promising approach but the author recommends a thorough evaluation and cost-benefit study to determine whether the outcomes are sufficient to justify the program’s high cost.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52443


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