Ticket to Work

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Strategic Plan 2006-2010: Alaska Works Initiative (AWI)

This strategic plan outlines the next five years, discusses goals and complements existing Alaska Works Initiative (AWI) activities to 1) address the major barriers that keep people with disabilities from working 2) enhance Alaska’s Medicaid programs and existing employment infrastructures to better meet the needs of working people with disabilities; and 3) imbed what has been learned through the AWI into a comprehensive employment system.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51255

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Does Disability Count? Conference Material

The Minnesota Department of Administration, Department of Health, Department of Human Services, Brain Injury Association, and MIG program held a workshop that provided an overview of disability in Minnesota and its economic impact on the state. This flyer served as a “save the date” for the event. You can also review the agenda and registration as a sample.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51252

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CommonHealth Brochure: Massachusetts Medicaid Infrastructure Grant

The Massachusetts MIG, CommonHealth, created an informational brochure describing how the program works and resources for individuals with disabilities living in Massachusetts who want to work and still receive their Medicaid benefits. The brochure also includes a survey requesting the reader’s thoughts on the usefulness of the brochure itself.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51249

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Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Developmental Disbailities

With the passage of Chapter 570, H.P. 1351-L.D. 1910: “An Act to Create Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities” by the Maine State Legislature in 2006, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Labor presented a report that identified resources, successes, and challenges in building supports that aid to increase employment for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51248

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Legislative Report: Media/Outreach Campaign Strategies for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in Maine

The State of Maine’s Commission on Disability and Employment, Department of Labor, and Department of Economic and Community Development issued a report to the State legislature that identifies marketing campaign strategies that will increase awareness and promote employment of individuals with disabilities living in Maine. The report identifies the need for the campaign, strategies for development, and the estimated cost.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51246


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