Ticket to Work

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Going To Work: A Guide to Social Security Benefits and Employment for Young People with Disabilities (2009 Edition)

Young people and their families are in the best position to make choices about working when they have good information about the impact of work on benefits. The Social Security and Medicaid/MassHealth programs have work incentives that can help young people give work a try, and provide a “safety net” in case the job does not work out. The purpose of this booklet is to give families and professionals working with young people some practical, hands-on information about work incentives.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51919

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The Social Security Administration’s Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Evaluation Design Report & Profiles of the Random Assignment Projects

As part of these demonstrations, six successful interventions that overcome barriers to independent living and employment for young adults are studied in-depth. The first document gives detailed information on the design of the study's evaluation. The second summarizes the core components, services, and strategies of each demonstration project.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51918

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Direct-Service Workforce: Needs, Challenges and Intervention Strategies

Revisit the material presented at the 2008 HCBS Conference. The DSW Intensive provided an overview of the direct service workforce challenges and the initiatives being researched and developed to address them. Intensive materials posted include a planning document, trends in policy and recommendations for data collection.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51860

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grants: Presentation and Resources

This presentation on Medicaid Infrastructure Grants (MIG) presents information regarding what ADRCs need to know about work incentive programs for individuals with disabilities. The presentation was part of the ADRC TA program and was delivered in November 2008. Additionally, a link is included to an informational website for the Ticket to Work Incentives Improvement Act.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51795

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Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)-Ticket to Work Site

The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects or WIPAs were funded by 104 new grants awarded throughout the U.S. and the U.S. territories in 2006 to this SSA grantee program. These grants were created to assist SSA disability beneficiaries by providing information about work incentives, benefits planning, and making good choices about work. This website is a resource for consumers, providers and employment and vocational networks.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51794

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How Do Employment Outcomes of Medicaid Buy-In Participants Vary Based on Prior Medicaid Coverage? An Example from Massachusetts

This brief, the eighth in a series on working with disability, looks at the employment outcomes of participants in CommonHealth Working (CHW), Massachusetts’s Medicaid Buy-In program. Differences in post-enrollment employment rates, monthly hours worked and earnings, and private health insurance coverage are compared between new CHW enrollees previously covered by MassHealth, Massachusetts’s Medicaid program, and those without prior MassHealth coverage.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51762

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Working Well Website & Issue Briefs – Texas

Working Well, the Texas Demonstration to Maintain Independence and Employment, tests whether health and employment-related services can prevent workers with serious health issues from becoming disabled and dependent on federal benefits. These Issue Briefs introduce the program and present participant data. Brief 3 examines healthcare support workers participating in the project who are at risk for becoming disabled themselves. The website has participant stories and further project information.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51748

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How Do Medicaid Buy-In Participants Compare with Other Medicaid Enrollees with Disabilities?

Answering the question posed in the title is one key to evaluating Medicaid Buy-In (MBI) programs. This issue brief, the fifth in a series on workers with disabilities, compares demographics, health status, and expenditures between these groups. Significant areas of difference that were identified are race, gender, diagnoses, and expenditures.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51741

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What Is the Demonstration to Maintain Independence and Employment (DMIE) and Who is Participating?

The DMIE awards funds to states to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions that are intended to improve health care coverage and employment services for working adults with potentially disabling conditions. It allows states to offer Medicaid-equivalent coverage, employment support, and case management services in order to sustain employment. This issue brief reviews the rationale for the DMIE, the interventions of the four most recent states, evaluation, and information dissemination.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51736

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