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Promising Practices in HCBS: California- Village Integrated Service Agency

This document highlights the Village Integrated Service Agency, a program of the Mental Health Association in Los Angeles County. The program provides coordinated, comprehensive services for people with mental illness. Available services are determined by the needs and goals of the participants. This report describes the program and its effectiveness in helping people with mental illness live independently.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Utah- Family-Directed Support Network for Families of People with Disabilities

The Utah Family Council is a non-profit organization that provides support to all families of people with disabilities, regardless of whether they receive public funding. This document describes this program, which uses funding from the Self-Determination Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to increase availability. The report describes the program and its implementation.

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Community Living Brief: Consumer/Survivor-Operated Mental Health Services

This Community Living Brief addresses the issue of consumer/survivor–operated programs and how they have had a significant impact on the delivery of mental health services in this country. The central values of consumer-operated services (empowerment, choice, and to a growing extent, self-determination) now are recognized within the traditional mental health system. At a systems level, consumers/survivors have a formal and recognized voice in planning, implementation, and research.

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One Stop Toolkit

This website provides accessible and comprehensive tools and information to grantees who provide services that help individuals with disabilities find and keep good jobs. The resources help grantees widen the array and integration of services available at One-stop centers. This site is targeted toward state and local One-Stop service providers, but individuals with disabilities, advocates, parents, counselors and other professionals will find a rich source of information here.

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Personal Assistance Services PAS website

The University of California & San Francisco’s Center for Personal Assistance Services provides research, training, dissemination & technical assistance. The center, which was created with the help of a grant from the National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research, toffers number of useful resources, including materials about the direct-care workforce and a well-stocked library of publications on issues relating to personal assistance services.

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